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To Home Page. National Drug Intelligence Center
American Samoa Drug Threat Assessment
June 2001


Territory and Regional Sources

American Samoa Headline News

Territory of American Samoa

Criminal Justice Planning Agency

Department of Health

Drug Testing and Treatment

Department of Human and Social Services

Department of Public Safety

Department of Treasury


High Court of American Samoa

Probation Division

Office of Attorney General

Office of Territorial and International Criminal Intelligence and Drug Enforcement (OTICIDE)

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National and International Sources

U.S. Coast Guard

District Fourteen

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services

National Institutes of Health

National Institutes on Drug Abuse

Community Epidemiology Work Group

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

Division of the National Center for Adolescent and School Health

U.S. Department of Justice

Drug Enforcement Administration

Honolulu District Office

Office of Justice Programs

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End of document.