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To Home Page. National Drug Intelligence Center
American Samoa Drug Threat Assessment
June 2001


Other than the seizure of cocaine smuggled by courier from Hawaii mentioned in the methamphetamine section, extensive research revealed no recent evidence addressing the abuse, availability, production, transportation, distribution, or violence associated with cocaine in American Samoa.



Extensive research revealed no recent information regarding the abuse, availability, production, transportation, distribution, or violence associated with heroin in American Samoa.


Other Dangerous Drugs

Extensive research revealed no recent information regarding the abuse, availability, production, transportation, distribution, or violence associated with other dangerous drugs in American Samoa.



Methamphetamine use will continue to increase in American Samoa, with a corresponding rise in violent crime. Law enforcement officials may find some small-scale methamphetamine laboratories on the islands, but most supplies of the drug will be smuggled from Hawaii, as in the past.

Marijuana use will increase despite harsher penalties for its possession, distribution, and use. Western Samoa will continue as the primary source of supply of marijuana to American Samoa.

Intelligence gaps regarding the drug threat in American Samoa will continue. There are some indications that local authorities recognize that the drug problem is becoming more serious. This may lead to efforts to better quantify the situation in the territory. These efforts, in turn, will lead to additional, more accurate information on which to base future assessments.


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