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ETV Verifications Centers

Advanced Monitoring Systems Center

The Advanced Monitoring Systems Center verifies the performance of monitoring technologies for air, water, and soil. Technologies include ambient fine particulate monitors, mercury emission monitors, and portable text kits for arsenic in water.
Centers Advanced Monitoring Systems Center Air Pollution Control Technology Center Drinking Water  Systems Center Greenhouse Gas Technology Center Water Quality Protection Center Pollution Prevention and Coatings
The Environmental Technology Verification (ETV) Program verifies the performance of innovative technologies that have the potential to improve protection of human health and the environment. ETV accelerates the entrance of new environmental technologies into the domestic and international marketplaces. Verified technologies are included for all environmental media—air, water, and land.

Fact Sheet: EPA's Environmental Technology Verification Program (PDF) (2 pp, 528 KB) May 2007
Program Highlights
ETV and SBIR Programs Host Technology Workshop at EPA Region 2

Environmental and Sustainable Technology Evaluations: Verification of Qualitative Spot Test Kits for Lead in Paint

U.S. EPA ETV Program Advanced Monitoring Systems Center and Environment Canada ETV Program, Joint Verification Protocol for Technologies for Rapid Detection of Whole Soil and Soil Extract Toxicity, July 2008

The Evolution of Improved Baghouse Filter Media as Observed in the Environmental Technology Verification Program (PDF) (12 pp, 124 KB), presented at Air & Waste Management Association, 101st Annual Conference, June 24–27, 2008

Open ETV Vendor Solicitations

Upcoming Events
National League of Cities, 2008 Congress of Cities and Exposition November 11–15, 2008, Orlando, FL

American Water Works Association (AWWA) 2008 Water Quality Technology Conference and Exposition (WQTC) November 16–20, 2008, Cincinnati, OH

Partners in Environmental Technology Technical Symposium and Workshop December 2–4, 2007, Washington, DC

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Vendors Wanted
How to Apply
A to Z Subject Index
Image: ETV Program Case Study
ETV Program Case Studies: Demonstrating Program Outcomes
Volume I (PDF) (117 pp, 2.78 MB) (EPA/600/R-06/001) January 2006
Volume II (PDF) (134 pp, 2.39 MB) (EPA/600/R-06/082) September 2006 - Abstract
ETV Voice
Demonstrations by Region
Verification Reports and Statements   Test/Quality Assurance Plans   Verification Protocols

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