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    NASA EDGE: Folklife Festival

    NASA at the Smithsonian Folklife Festival

    NASA's Exhibit at Smithsonian Folklife Festival Credit: Set Therapist

    NASA EDGE visits the National Mall in Washington, DC to check out the Smithsonian Folklife Festival. Between Bhutanese buildings, baskets of beef brisket, and the NASA 50th Anniversary exhibit, the NASA EDGE team squeezes in interviews with engineers, former astronauts and even a few festival goers in a new ESA (Extra Studio Activity.) Plus, viewers weigh in on the Shuttle/Orbiter debate. Grab a lime fizz and download the latest Vodcast.

    Coming Soon:

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    NASA EDGE. One NASA. Two hosts. Twenty thousand plus rocket scientists. We have liftoff!

    NASA EDGE is different. Unscripted and unpredictable, NASA EDGE takes a unique look in and around the greatest space program on the planet.

    Whether it's the latest launch or the coolest gadgets, NASA EDGE hosts provide an offbeat, funny and informative look behind the NASA curtain. If you've ever wanted to learn about NASA but thought you needed to be a rocket scientist, wait no longer. Watch NASA EDGE and embrace your inner astronaut.

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