NASA EDGE: Folklife Festival

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NASA EDGE: Folklife Festival
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NASA EDGE – Folklife Festival

Featuring: Smithsonian Folklife Festival Celebration of NASA’s 50th Anniversary, ESA, Lunar Race, and exclusive interviews.

NASA EDGE visits the National Mall in Washington, DC to check out the Smithsonian Folklife Festival. Between Bhutanese buildings, baskets of beef brisket, and the NASA 50th Anniversary exhibit, the NASA EDGE team squeezes in interviews with engineers, former astronauts and even a few festival goers in a new ESA (Extra Studio Activity.) Plus, viewers weigh in on the Shuttle/Orbiter debate. Grab a lime fizz and download the latest Vodcast.


CHRIS: Hey, welcome to NASA Edge.

BLAIR: An inside and outside look at all things NASA.

CHRIS: We have a great vodcast lined up today.

BLAIR: That’s right! What are we focusing on today, Franklin?

FRANKLIN: The Folklife Fest.

BLAIR: That’s right. Smithsonian’s Folklife Fest.

CHRIS: Why don’t you tell our audience what the Folklife Fest is all about?

BLAIR: … which we attended back in June/July. I would love to tell the audience what it’s all about. First of all, the Smithsonian’s Folklife Festival began in 1967.

CHRIS: Right.

BLAIR: It’s essentially a two-week period from June & July time period…

CHRIS: Are you reading from the cue card?

BLAIR: No. … that focuses on living, cultural heritage. They usually have three aspects. They start with a nation. They focus on a nation, then a state or region, and they usually have a theme. So, our nation was Bhutan.

CHRIS: Land of the Thunder Dragon, right?


BLAIR: Then for our state region, it was Texas and the aspects of Texas.

CHRIS: Franklin knows about that.


FRANKLIN: Food, wine, and music.

BLAIR: Yeah, He covered them all, in fact, if I’m not mistaken.

FRANKLIN: Come on. I didn’t cover the wine. I didn’t cover the wine!

BLAIR: That’s right. We were on the clock. None of us here…

CHRIS: Tell us about the food.

FRANKLIN: Food was great. The beef brisket was excellent. They also brought something else from Texas that I didn’t know was going to be there and that was the heat.


CHRIS: It was pretty hot out there.

BLAIR: That’s right. And they were going for a 4-D all sensory interpretation of the Texas…

CHRIS: Is that why you had 12 to 15 lime fizzes?

FRANKLIN: We… we had 12 to 15 lime fizzes.

BLAIR: Oh, I thought you were saying “yes” in French.

[all laughing]

BLAIR: That’s how I feel about lime fizzes.

CHRIS: What’s the theme?

BLAIR: The big part and that’s what’s so exciting. It was NASA’s 50th anniversary.

CHRIS: That’s right.

BLAIR: We celebrated in all kinds of exhibits there.

CHRIS: We had at least two football field size areas.

BLAIR: Huge area, huge.

CHRIS: With exhibits, models, and interactive exhibits and some educational activities.

BLAIR: Yes. I participated in one.

CHRIS: You did.

BLAIR: We’ll talk about that later. But then also, Franklin…

FRANKLIN: We had a good time. We did an ESA. Chris came out on the ESA. We’re going to have that for everybody right after this break. You’re watching NASA Edge, an inside and outside look at all things NASA.


FRANKLIN: You’re watching NASA Edge.

BLAIR: An inside and outside look at all things NASA. Franklin, this ESA we had at the Smithsonian’s Folklife Festival…

CHRIS: Sorry, just changing pens. Okay.

FRANKLIN: Man, the shuttle bay is good for something other than confessions. The ESA was great. Chris and I had a good time out at the Mall, talking to the participants of the Folklife Festival about what they learned about NASA that day.

CHRIS: It was a lot of fun. I hadn’t done an ESA before. It was cool to get out there and talk with the folks and like I said, see what they learned about the exhibit.

BLAIR: That was a cool part about the festival itself because you’re out there seeing different cultural things, Texas and Bhutan, and you get to the end and there’s this technological wonderment known as the NASA exhibit. People were learning things left and right.

CHRIS: Franklin, let’s go ahead and run this and see what went on in the inside.

FRANKLIN: Roll that shuttle bean footage.

WOMAN: We have the privilege and honor to be a part of this Folklife Festival. And we’re here because this is NASA’s 50th anniversary. We’re really excited to share our knowledge with the public and talk about what we’re doing for space exploration.

MAN: I think the Folklife Festival is absolutely great. It’s great to be here and to tell folks what we do at NASA.

WOMAN: We have learned that they’re reusing one of the engines over there with a lot of thrust.

WOMAN: A lot of thrust.

CHRIS: Thrust is good.

MAN: I learned about the Space Station. It’s a little bigger than I thought it was.

WOMAN: I learned that it sounds pretty cool to be an engineer.

WOMAN: There’s a center somewhere that no one really knows about and the houses all shook.

CHRIS: Testing the engines?


CHRIS: Does Stennis Space Center ring a bell?

WOMAN: Sure!

CHRIS: Sure, why not?

MAN: What I’ve learned from NASA is so much of the Martian exploration with the Phoenix Lander, and of course the Spirit and Opportunity, that are doing marvelous.

WOMAN: I was over there with the astronauts. They were talking about the ice they found on Mars.

WOMAN: I’ve learned the difference between asteroids and comets.

WOMAN: I learned that there are two new aircrafts going into space, Aries I and Aries V.

WOMAN: The pictures from outer space are like totally works of art because they’re just so beautiful; the stars and everything; the views up there.

CHRIS: What is the difference between asteroids and comets?

WOMAN: Comets have ice and stuff and a rock center. Asteroids are just the rock part.

WOMAN: I learned that astronauts don’t use salt and pepper shakers like we do. They have to put them in liquid.

FRANKLIN: I understand, Virginia, you work in the dental industry. Let me ask you a question. How would you pull teeth in space?

VIRGINIA: I suppose you would have to get something that would anchor an extraction device or instrument to the spacecraft itself.

WOMAN: Water adhesion keeps the salt attached to the food but if you just did a normal salt and peppershaker it would just float around.

VIRGINIA: You guys do have suction in space. You could take care of all the bodily fluids.

FRANKLIN: It was an educational experience?

WOMAN: Very educational. They had to go through each stand and get stickers. They were fascinated by the robot, and the food the astronauts ate. They really like looking at those scrambled eggs. It didn’t look too good.

BLAIR: Good job!

FRANKLIN: That was great.

BLAIR: I was learning a lot but it seemed like a lot of people were learning lots of things about NASA.

CHRIS: I’ve got a question for you Franklin.

FRANKLIN: Go ahead.

CHRIS: Would you have that lady pull your tooth out in space?

BLAIR: That was a little dicey. I will say that.

CHRIS: You know, she’s pulling one way; you’re rotating the other. It could be problematic.

BLAIR: When she said extraction device, it was all over for me. I was running in the other direction.

BLAIR: NASA didn’t just have exhibits. They had people there. Not people just manning the exhibits. They had an astronaut there. I actually got to speak to an astronaut.

CHRIS: I thought your responsibility was getting the lime fizzes for all the NASA participants to make sure that they stayed cool.

BLAIR: What you’re failing to realize is that the lime fizzes are the new currency at the Smithsonian Folklife Festival. I parlay that into an interview with Brian Duffy, the former astronaut.

CHRIS: We know Brian Duffy. We met him at a space conference not too long ago.

BLAIR: Well, I cornered him after one of his lectures. He couldn’t get away. I got a quick interview. Let’s roll with that.

CHRIS: Cool.

BLAIR: I think you’ll find it very interesting.

CHRIS: All right. Let’s check it out.

BLAIR: We’re here with astronaut, Brian Duffy. Let’s talk about what you think the Folklife Festival with NASA will look like in 50 years. What will we see in these exhibits then?

BRIAN: First of all, I think there will be some great things here. They’ll be talking about things going on elsewhere. We’ll talk about the moon. We’ll talk about what’s going on with Mars in 50 years. And hopefully they’ll be some exhibits that will show the history of how we got from where we are today to where we’ll be then. I think you’ll see live connectivity. We’ll be talking to people that are elsewhere. They’ll be part of this. The festival itself might be happening on the moon.

BLAIR: What are the first steps? How are we going to make this transition from just being a lunar outpost to being a lunar colony?

BRIAN: You know the first thing we need to do is to inspire a generation of scientists and explorers that are going to follow us today. We need to get them on board and excited about what it is we’re doing. That’s actually the first thing we need to do. While we’re doing that, we, of course, need to make progress in the programs and get things going, so they have things they’re excited about that they can then go work in. They can be the engineers, the scientists, and the astronauts.

BLAIR: What about the media presence there? I’m a “medianaut.” I think I should play…

BRIAN: You’re an “medianaut?”

BLAIR: Yeah, I actually play a key role. What do you think about that?

BRIAN: You should play a key role. And you will play a key role. I can see that…

BLAIR: Former astronaut saying that I should play a key role.

BRIAN: We’re going to need folks up there reporting for all the things going on on the moon and going on on Mars and who knows where else.

BLAIR: The most notable thing about this interview was the fact that I got an official endorsement from a former astronaut as the most necessary “medianaut” for the future of the space program.

FRANKLIN: Do you call that an endorsement?

CHRIS: Yeah, it didn’t sound like an endorsement to me.


BRIAN: You’re a “medianaut?”

CHRIS: I think he was just joking around. Didn’t you see him kind of smirking?

BRIAN: You’re a “medianaut?” You’re a “medianaut?”

BLAIR: Okay, I reject any of that. I’m going to go with what I think was the heart of the interview.

BRIAN: You should play a key role and you will play a key role.

BLAIR: And take that endorsement.

CHRIS: All right.

BLAIR: Before we go to a break, we’re going to see how I did in the Lunar Race with our good friend, Emily. She developed her lunar rover. I developed mine. We had a race.

CHRIS: Emily, tell us about your pretty, cool, pink rover design.

EMILY:: I made a Mars rover design. I made it have wheels so it could roll around on the surface.

CHRIS: Okay.

EMILY:: It’s also got different receptors so it can pick up all the things on the planet.

CHRIS: What do you mean by receptors?

EMILY:: Um, I just do the design. I make it look pretty.

CHRIS: You just make it look pretty?

EMILY:: Yeah, the scientists do all the other stuff. They put it together.

BLAIR: There you go, featured there. And unlike other rovers, I have an access hatch for when you come in and land you can just hop out, and walk out safely onto the Martian or Lunar surface, either one.

CHRIS: It’s been a couple of hours since Blair has completed his rover design. Now we’re ready for the race.

EMILY:: Yeah.

CHRIS: Are you ready for this?

EMILY:: I’m ready.

BLAIR: Yeah, I’m ready. May the best design win.

CHRIS: We’re at the Lunar track. Put them down. Here’s the starting line.

[Blair’s sound effects of rover landing]

CHRIS: You’ve got some sound effects?

BLAIR: Yeah.

CHRIS: And 3, 2, 1. They’re off. Go!

CHRIS: Congratulations Emily on winning our first annual NASA Edge Mars rover, Lunar rover race.

EMILY: Thank you. I’m pretty proud of my design. I think the hard effort was worth it.

BLAIR: Well, anyway… You’re watching NASA Edge.

CHRIS: An inside and outside look at all things NASA.

BLAIR: Back to the drawing board for me.

CHRIS: Great job Emily.

BLAIR: Good job, Emily. It was a good design. I have to say that. Hats off to you.

CHRIS: Congratulations.

EMILY: Thanks very much.


CHRIS: Hey, we’re back on NASA EDGE.

FRANKLIN: An inside and outside look at all things NASA.

BLAIR: I know. I’m working on some redesign.

CHRIS: Franklin, correct me if I’m wrong. Did I not tell him I would help him with the secrets of taping that rover together?

BLAIR: All I heard was Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.

[laughter from Blair & Franklin]

BLAIR: I was busy doing my own design. I’ll admit I failed. Emily did a great job.

CHRIS: How do you expect to be a “medianaut” when you have a high-school student, middle school student, beating you…

BLAIR: She’s a high-school student.

CHRIS: She’s at least 20 years younger than you are. You’re 40 now.


BLAIR: Here’s the thing. Emily, clearly, very gifted. We could maybe be on a team going into space.

CHRIS: Okay.

BLAIR: We could use all my talents and abilities and all hers. I just won’t be responsible for the lunar lander. Okay? Fair enough?

FRANKLIN: She is the future of the space agency.

BLAIR: She is the future. You’re absolutely right about that.

CHRIS: So what you’re saying is he’s the future of the “medianauts?”

FRANKLIN: He is the “medianaut.”

BLAIR: Yes! On record. He said it. Let’s talk about the Folklife Festival. In particular, we talked a lot about what people learned during this festival.

CHRIS: Right.

BLAIR: But you had a unique opportunity, if I remember correctly to speak to Larry Huebner.

CHRIS: He is a part of the Aries I program, which is the launch vehicle that’s going to take Orion into low-Earth orbit. I had an extensive interview with Larry to talk about how the program is going. And we also learned something about him.

LARRY: Green Bay is my hometown. It’s the center of the universe. I’m also a stockholder of the Green Bay Packers. I own 401 shares of the Green Bay Packers’ stock.

CHRIS: Really?

LARRY: Yeah. I am an owner of the Green Bay Packers.

BLAIR: Everybody at the festival could stop by and talk to people like Larry. And get that exact information.

CHRIS: He was slammed the whole time.

BLAIR: Right there on the Mall. It was perfect.

CHRIS: Let’s check out the interview.

LARRY: The Aries I is going to be the next vehicle that we use to get our astronauts back up to low-Earth orbit. Some people say it’s a replacement to the shuttle. I don’t like to use those terms because it doesn’t have the same mission that the shuttle has. One of the things we want to do is to make sure this vehicle was operational as soon as we could was to utilize existing hardware. Why not? We have proven capability with the solid rocket motors on space shuttle. It is an excellent system to use for the first stage. The actual engine we have for the upper stage is a two-stage rocket system. In that upper stage, our engine is actually a variant of an Apollo engine. It was a human-rated, altitude-start engine that we had for Apollo. We’ve upgraded with capability and technology that we’ve learned since the 60’s but the basic engine itself is right out of Apollo.

CHRIS: That’s from NASA’s Saturn V?

LARRY: Saturn V, absolutely. We don’t want to reinvent wheels where we don’t need to.

CHRIS: What’s your primary roll in Aries I?

LARRY: I’ve done a lot of things in the last couple of years since I’ve been working on it. I spent a year and a half working on our first flight demonstration rocket called Aries I “X,” “X” standing for experimental. The last 3 or 4 months I’ve wandered over to the Aries I Vehicle Integration Office. It’s the office that’s responsible for putting the parts together; the first stage; the upper stage, the engine on the upper stage with the Orion capsule to make this vehicle reliable.


FRANKLIN: Do you have any test flights scheduled for Aries I?

LARRY: Yes. Aries I “X” has a test flight planned the earliest for April of next year. The neat thing is I’m standing next to this thing and less than a year from now we’re going to have something that looks like that. It will actually launch from Cape Kennedy and do a first stage flight. It won’t be an orbital flight but it will tell us a lot about the guidance systems, the control systems, and the aerodynamics of the first stage. The data we get from that will be used to finalize the design of the real Aries I vehicle.

CHRIS: And also the branch of the solid rocket booster and how it comes down by parachute to land in the ocean.

LARRY: Exactly. Right now we plan on recovering first stage, reusing the first stage, just like shuttle does.

CHRIS: That’s right.

LARRY: You’re watching NASA EDGE an inside and outside look at all things NASA.

BLAIR: Franklin, Chris, lots of valuable information but the amazing thing that the video can’t convey is there’s this smell of brisket and great food. Yes, it was hot.

CHRIS: I think the smell of brisket was coming from Franklin.

[laughter from Blair & Chris]

FRANKLIN: You know. You’re just trying to be funny.

BLAIR: Trying to be.

FRANKLIN: You could actually go up to someone like Larry Huebner and have a brisket sandwich in hand and a bottle of chardonnay in the other, or in our case, a lime fizz in the other.

BLAIR: I was going to say, not on the clock.

FRANKLIN: Not on the clock! You can have the up-close, personal contact with these guys.

CHRIS: That’s right.

FRANKLIN: It’s a lot of fun.

CHRIS: We learned a lot too by talking to Larry.

BLAIR: Right. These are the people that are playing key roles in NASA’s space program returning to the moon.

CHRIS: They’re making it happen.

BLAIR: Yeah, exactly. Your coffee table book years from now, you’ll be thumbing through and seeing pictures of these people, and you could be talking to them.

CHRIS: And checking out the Orbiter, too, in that book.

FRANKLIN: Blair you might just be there as a “medianaut.”

BLAIR: Every chance I get. Which is a good point because that brings up our interview with Brian Duffy. It’s interesting. One of the things he said NASA needs to do, in this venture; back to the moon, Mars, and beyond, is to inspire young people.

CHRIS: If this space program is going to happen over the next 30+ years, it’s going to be the next generation of explorers that’s going to make that happen. As NASA EDGE, we need to take a more proactive approach in getting out to the communities and talking to the next generation.

BLAIR: Which ironically, it’s almost as if we planned it that way.

CHRIS: Exactly.

[all laughing]

BLAIR: We did get out and talk to one of the most inspirational kids I’ve talked to in a long time, Kristina Johnson, who was our winner.

CHRIS: She was the winner in the 15-18 video podcast category.

BLAIR: But you can tell just from speaking with her, she is a very inspirational, young kid, full of ideas and energy. We did get a chance to interview her in Ames, Iowa.

CHRIS: Franklin, this girl could teach us a few lessons on video production. She has her own green screen in her home. She has her own camera, mics, the whole nine yards. It’s amazing.

BLAIR: Yeah.


CHRIS: Yeah.

BLAIR: Pretty much. She had it all and in fact, we do have our interview. Why don’t we check it out?

CHRIS: Yeah, let’s check it out.

KRISTINA: This past January I won the competition that you were part of. It was the 21st Century Exploration Podcast.

BLAIR: A very good competition.

KRISTINA: It was wonderful. I found it browsing through the Internet. I had figured that “Man to the Moon” a lot of people would do that. It was something general, a very big achievement of NASA. I wanted something more unique, something that went past the moon.

CHRIS: Okay.

KRISTINA: And we haven’t had anything that was very, very far reaching… as far as the voyagers. The voyagers, they’ve gone out of our solar system.

CHRIS: Right.

KRISTINA: Right now. So I thought that would be amazing to do that.

BLAIR: They survived past the warranty period, which is amazing.

KRISTINA: I have a green screen at home and I have certain clips inside my house where I can set up my green screen. I stand in front of it. Put up my camera on a tripod and go away at my script.

CHRIS: So you have quite a bit of experience producing and editing a video.


BLAIR: How did your parents feel turning your domicile into a production facility?

KRISTINA: It was during winter break, so I didn’t have homework or school to worry about.

CHRIS: Did you pay them rent for setting up shop?

KRISTINA: No, of course not.

BLAIR: Did you already have previous interest in NASA, so that’s why it caught your eye or did you just think that was intriguing?

KRISTINA: Yes, I did. I actually want to be an aerospace engineer when I grow up.

CHRIS: Very good. I want to focus on you wanting to become an aerospace engineer. How important is Math, Science, Technology, & Engineering to you?

KRISTINA: Wow. It’s really important. Math and Science have always been my favorite subjects in school. I value reading and history, of course too but Math and Science have come easier for me; more of a fluent, kind of like an English language.

BLAIR: You say you want to be an aerospace engineer, what about being an astronaut?

KRISTINA: I’ve considered being an astronaut before but I do have a problem with motion sickness. I figured that might not be the best.

BLAIR: If you’re an aerospace engineer, let’s say, being an astronaut isn’t your central purpose, maybe you could design a spacecraft for yours truly. I’m the right height. I’m small, so that’s cool. You could design a “medianaut” spacecraft, maybe a “medianaut” launch vehicle.

CHRIS: It was a pleasure coming out to Ames, Iowa.

BLAIR: Absolutely.

KRISTINA: It was wonderful to have you here too.

CHRIS: It’s a wonderful place. You have a great school here. Hopefully you’ll continue your production videos.

KRISTINA: Definitely, I will.

CHRIS: Let us know. Give us some links. We’ll check them out. Are there any pointers you could give Blair to improve on his skills as a co-host?

KRISTINA: Well, I was thinking about that intro that he does, maybe not bobbing his head so much.


BLAIR: Before we go, if you wouldn’t mind, I’m going to observe and you just close us out here.

KRISTINA: Okay. Wonderful.

BLAIR: Great.

KRISTINA: All right. Thank you for watching NASA EDGE, the inside and outside look at all things NASA.

CHRIS: So natural.

BLAIR: Yeah, and the head did not bob.


BLAIR: I bob.

CHRIS: But your head was still bobbing while she was saying it.


CHRIS: Welcome back to NASA Edge.

BLAIR: An inside and outside look at all things NASA.

FRANKLIN: Hey man, that was a pretty good interview.

CHRIS: Yeah, she is amazing.

FRANKLIN: She is an amazing young lady. And I didn’t know the NASA trailer was there also.

CHRIS: Yeah, the NASA trailer was just completing its Iowa tour.

BLAIR: And thanks for not calling things out too much. She did actually give me some pointers on how to deliver the line. I’m trying to minimize the head bobbing in my delivery.

FRANKLIN: Is she going to be a future “medianaut?”

BLAIR: Um, actually, I think not because she’s more into the science side. I was kind of surprised because she is so knowledgeable about video. Maybe she’ll do both.

CHRIS: But she wants to be an aerospace engineer.

BLAIR: Exactly.

FRANKLIN: Maybe an astronaut.

CHRIS: Yeah, astronaut. That’s right.

BLAIR: Yeah. We also have to quickly say what a great job the people at the Folklife Festival did in pulling that off, the exhibits, the Bhutanese food….

CHRIS: Yes, a lot of hard work.

BLAIR: … the Texas food, drink, and music and NASA. It was brilliant. We had a great time and even if NASA’s not there next year, it’s a great festival to attend.

CHRIS: That’s right. Over a million people every year.

BLAIR: That’s the beauty of the NASA trailer. It’s a mini version of what was at the Folklife Festival, much smaller than how many exhibits we had there but it travels around. So if you missed this festival, there are many other opportunities to find out about NASA.

CHRIS: I don’t know if you want to call this “NASA Edge Shout Outs” or what.

BLAIR: “NASA Edge Shout Outs” is fine.

CHRIS: I do have couple of things. One is…

BLAIR: We need to talk about that in the creative meetings in the future but that’s okay.

CHRIS: Well, you know how you talk about education is important. We have to really educate the next generation of explorers and our fans out there.


CHRIS: If you would like to have a NASA speaker come to your school, your science museum or your area, NASA does have a Speaker’s Bureau. Fill out the information and you can request a speaker to come to your area, whether it be a NASA engineer, scientist, researcher, or a NASA astronaut.

BLAIR: Welcome. [bold, echoing voice]

CHRIS: That excludes “medianauts.” I don’t think “medianauts” are included.

BLAIR: I can do my own speech.

CHRIS: Again, check out the website. It’s real easy. Fill out the form. It takes about 5 minutes. Send it and someone from a NASA center, depending on where you live, will come out to your location.

BLAIR: Franklin and I could be put on this list and maybe be selected. So, if someone wants somebody to come to speak about NASA, it could be you and me.

FRANKLIN: Tag team it.

CHRIS: That’s right. Absolutely. Maybe from Antarctica we could send Blair down to speak. We’ll see what happens. I’ve got one more. If you’re not familiar with the Centennial Challenges, it’s NASA’s prize program to stimulate innovative solutions to technical problems of interest to NASA’s mission directorates. We have several Centennial Challenges and as you’re looking at the website, we have a number of competitions. Some have come out already and some are coming up in the future.

BLAIR: Which we may highlight on upcoming shows, if that’s right Franklin?

FRANKLIN: Absolutely.

CHRIS: We have one. It’s called the Lunar Ragliffe Excavation that took place in August. They have a tether challenge as well.

BLAIR: Tether challenge.

CHRIS: Also a lunar lander that I think we may be covering this fall. It’s all there for you. It’s at and you can learn all about that competition and, of course, don’t forget the Speaker’s Bureau.

FRANKLIN: When people go to the Speaker’s Bureau, can they make a specific request for an individual?

CHRIS: Oh, absolutely. If they go to the site, they can actually request who they want. If it’s an aerospace engineer, mechanical engineer, or a specific person, or if they want Franklin Fitzgerald, they can ask for Franklin Fitzgerald.

BLAIR: Or a “medianaut,” or a “medianaut” duo. Now, before we close the show…

CHRIS: I thought we were done.

BLAIR: No, we’re not done. I’ve got to give, since we’re doing “shout outs,” I’ve got to give some credit to our fans. I know you guys don’t want to hear it and you don’t want to know about it but the truth is that the results from the shuttle/orbiter debate are clear.

CHRIS: Okay.

BLAIR: I am right and you guys are wrong. It couldn’t be more clear. In fact, 100% of the responses, except for one response that you made to one of the people that wrote in was 100%. 100% in favor of referring to this as the shuttle. And not only that, the people that responded are a very diverse group. Not since We Are the World was put together, have you had such a diverse group of talent and individuals.

CHRIS: Here comes Bhutan.

BLAIR: No. We have people from the press, grammarians. We’ve got amateur pilots. By the way, listen to this Franklin. One of the people that responded on the blog says, “Yes Franklin, two wrongs don’t make a right but two Wrights make an airplane.”

CHRIS: That’s actually pretty nice.

FRANKLIN: Yeah. I’m going to have to give that to him.

BLAIR: France and Germany, we’ve got all that we need right here. So can you just finish the show by saying I’m right?

CHRIS: You’re watching NASA Edge.

BLAIR: An inside and outside look at all things NASA.

CHRIS: We’re going to keep working on this.

BLAIR: Can you say I’m right? You can’t admit it that I’m right!

FRANKLIN: You know, I don’t…100%?

BLAIR: 100%

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