U.S. Department of Education: Promoting Educational Excellence for all Americans
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Secretary Paige Visits St. Paul, Minnesota (February 18, 2004)
Secretary Paige speaks at a Press Conference with Minnesota Education Commissioner Cheryl Yecke, Governor Tim Pawlenty, and U.S. Senator Norm Coleman.
Secretary Paige speaks at a Press Conference with Minnesota Education Commissioner Cheryl Yecke, Governor Tim Pawlenty, and U.S. Senator Norm Coleman.

Secretary Paige discuss the No Child Left Behind law with Minnesota Department of Education officials and thanks them for their hard work implementing the law. Secretary Paige reads over an assignment with a student at Sheridan Elementary School in St. Paul, Minnesota.
Secretary Paige participates in a roundtable discussion on the No Child Left Behind law with parents, teachers, and school administrators at Sheridan Elementary School in St. Paul, MN. Secretary Paige speaks at a Press Conference with Minnesota Education Commissioner Cheryl Yecke, Governor Tim Pawlenty, and U.S. Senator Norm Coleman.


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