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Export Requirements for Cyprus

CY-8 (Apr 6, 2004)

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Export Alert: Please be advised that Cyprus will become a member of the European Union (EU) effective May 1, 2004. As of that date, the export requirements currently in place for Cyprus will be replaced by those governing shipments to the EU. Therefore, effective May 1, 2004, all shipments of EU harmonized product to Cyprus must comply with EU export requirements.*

Eligible/Ineligible Product
  1. Eligible
    1. Fresh/frozen beef and mutton
    2. Meat products - including product containing beef, pork, and mutton
  2. Ineligible
    1. Fresh frozen pork and equine products are not accepted for export to Cyprus.
    2. Poultry and poultry products.

Documentation Requirements
  1. Signature on certificates - All required forms and supplementary statements must be dated and signed by a veterinarian. Name, degree, (DVM or equivalent) must be typed or printed after signature. The signature must be in a color different from that of the printed certificate.
  2. Poultry
    1. Obtain FSIS Form 9060-5, Meat and Poultry Certificate of Wholesomeness. Additionally, the following statements must be typed in the "Remarks" section or provided on FSIS Letterhead Certificate:

      I, the undersigned, official veterinarian, certify that the poultry meat described above:
      1. was examined ante- and post-mortem and found suitable for human consumption. It was handled in a sanitary manner, and based on the National Residue Monitoring program, does not contain preservatives, coloring substances, antibiotics, anabolic substances, pesticides, parasiticides, thyeostatics, or any other harmful substances in such amount that may effect the health of consumers;
      2. was derived from poultry that were hatched, raised and slaughtered in the United States; and
      3. that no cases of Newcastledisease, fowl plague, Salmonellosis, fowl cholera, or ornithosis were observed or suspected at ante- and post-mortem inspection.
      4. The United States has been free of fowl plague for the last six months. The poultry originated from States free of exotic Newcastle disease, in accordance with Council Decision 2003/67/EC.
  3. Fresh/frozen beef and mutton - Obtain FSIS Form 9060-5.
    1. The following information must be included in the "Remarks" section of FSIS Form 9060-5 or provided on FSIS letterhead:
      1. the species of animal from which the meat was produced;
      2. the slaughter or packing date;
      3. the part of the carcass from which the meat was produced;
      4. the net weight, nature of packing and the number of packages, cuts or carcasses covered by the certificate;
      5. the name(s), address(es) and veterinary approval number(s) of the slaughterhouse(s) and cutting plant(s) where appropriate;
      6. a statement that the meat does not contain preservatives, coloring substances, antibiotics or residues of anabolic substances, parasiticides or thyreostatics in amounts that may affect the health of the consumer; and
      7. a statement that the meat was handled in a sanitary manner and was found unconditionally suitable for human consumption.
    2. Foot-and-Mouth Disease and Rinderpest. In addition to the requirements specified above, the following must be certified by a veterinarian:
      1. "That the United States has been free from Foot-and-mouth disease and Rinderpest:
        1. for frozen meat:
          • a period of not less than 3 years prior to the slaughter of the animals" or
          • a period of not less than 1-1/2 years prior to the slaughter of the animals which have been slaughtered during the last 2 months before export" or
        2. for chilled meat, "a period of not less than 1 year."
      2. "The United States must:
        1. not vaccinate against Foot-and-Mouth disease" or
        2. only use inactivated vaccines for Foot-and-Mouth disease. The animals from which the meat was produced must not be vaccinated against Foot-and-Mouth disease within 30 days preceding slaughter."
      3. "No cases of Foot-and-Mouth disease or Rinderpest were observed or suspected at ante-mortem and post-mortem inspection among the inspected animals."
      4. "No cases of Foot-and-Mouth disease or Rinderpest were reported in the United States during the period of storage of the meat, from slaughter to exportation."
      5. "The meat is derived from animals which were born, raised and slaughtered in the United States."
  4. Meat Products
    1. Obtain FSIS Form 9060-5, Meat and Poultry Certificate of Wholesomeness
    2. Obtain FSIS Letterhead Certificate for Export of Meat Products to Cyprus with the following information and statements:
      1. Date issued and certificate number
      2. The United States has been free of Foot-and-Mouth disease for the past 12 months.
      3. In the case of meat products containing pork, the United States has been free of
        1. African Swine Fever for the past three years
        2. Swine Vesicular Disease for the past two years
        3. Classical Swine Fever for the past two years
        4. Teschen Disease for the past three years
      4. For meat products containing pork, the meat was examined for trichinae with negative results or comes from a farm free from trichinellosis or was processed to ensure the destruction of trichinae larvae.
      5. The meat products were manufactured from meat derived from healthy animals which were born, reared, and slaughtered in the United States or which were legally imported into the United States and which were subjected to an ante- and postmortem examination with satisfactory results. In the case of meat products containing pork, the meat was derived from animals which are not from holdings with animal health restrictions.
      6. Printed name, title/professional degree of the FSIS veterinarian

        Note: The treatment mentioned in (d) above "processed to ensure destruction of trichinae larvae" is met by any of the methods to ensure the destruction of trichinae specified in 9 CFR 318.10.

Handling/Storage Requirements
  1. Packaging Requirements
    1. Carcasses, sides, or quarters - Whole carcasses, sides, or quarters or sizeable individual pieces should have two wrappings. The inside wrapping should be a strong, colorless plastic sheet or bag, which does not affect the meat. The outside wrapper should be a white woven stockinette.
    2. Smaller cuts - Smaller cuts should be wrapped in a plastic sheet or bag and placed in cartons.
  2. Shipping Requirements - The following are shipping requirements for meat products:
    1. Meat products should be shipped directly from the port of export to the port of entry into Cyprus, however, special arrangements may be made to ship the product if shipping arrangements are approved in advance by the Director of Veterinary Services of Cyprus.
    2. Meat products must be transported in refrigerated, sealed containers. The number of the seal (commercial seal) must be placed in the "Remarks" section of the FSIS Form 9060-5.
    3. A certificate must be signed by an authorized officer (including a customs officer) of the country(ies) where transshipment has taken place. The Certificate must state that "the seal(s) were found intact and free of any evidence of tampering at the time of exit from the country."

Other Requirements
  1. Slaughter and Freezing Dates - Product will not be allowed entry if the time elapsed from the slaughter or freezing date is greater than:
    1. 8 months for beef or veal, or
    2. 6 months for mutton or lamb.

Plants Eligible to Export

All federally inspected meat establishments are recognized as being eligible to export to Cyprus.

Cyrev8 - 04/06/2004
United States Department of Agriculture Food Safety and Inspection Service