Genoa National Fish Hatchery
Midwest Region

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For the past four years, the Genoa National Fish Hatchery has hosted an Annual Kids' Fishing Day, sponsored by the Friends Group of the three La Crosse area Fish and Wildlife Service Fisheries field offices (Genoa National Fish Hatchery, La Crosse Fishery Resource Office, and the La Crosse Fish Health Center).

This year’s event was held on May 20th. More than 150 6-12 year olds, adults, volunteers and Fish and Wildlife staff were on hand to begin handing down responsible conservation ethics to eager young anglers. The day’s activities consisted of a program of five learning stations that were first visited by the participants. The five learning stations this year concentrated on fishing ethics and conservation, river jig making, fish anatomy, fish cleaning, and fish behavior and habitats.

Then the fun began! The kids were turned loose on a pond stocked with 10-14 inch rainbow trout for a few hours. More than a few stringers of five fish (the daily limit) were carried proudly around for all to see. After a few hours the crowd was gathered back together, served lunch and prizes were awarded. All of the kids attending received a goody bag with helpful fishing tips and tackle. Smiles are always in abundance as the day comes to a close, hopefully the result of a budding passion for fishing and natural resource conservation.

Many thanks go to our Friends Group, the Friends of the Upper Mississippi River Fisheries Services, volunteers from all walks of life, the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources, and the staff of the three river stations for making this event one to remember, and serving our local community proudly.

Click on the links below the image to see more Kids' Fishing Day photos:

Photos of children and adults fishing
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Coaster Brook Trout
Lake Sturgeon
Endangered Mussel Recovery
Great Lakes Fish Restoration
Sport Fish Restoration

Click on the links below the image to see more Kids' Fishing Day photos:

Photo of a child holding a fish - Photo credit:  U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Photo of a child holding a fish - Photo credit:  U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Photo of a child holding a fish - Photo credit:  U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
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U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

Last updated: February 11, 2008
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