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Special Appropriations Grants

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Special Appropriations Projects (SPAPs) Grants for Construction

SPAPs grants refer to the Special Appropriations Projects that are funded from the State and Tribal Assistance Grants Section of the annual appropriations bills for EPA. The SAAP Guidance 2008 (PDF) (56 pp, 3.2MB) describe how EPA will award and administer these grants for the 2006 fiscal year. The recipient and amount of each grant are identified by Congress.

Special Appropriations Projects implement the planning, design, and construction of a variety of drinking water, wastewater, and storm water infrastructure projects. More information about these grants in Region 4 can be found at:


Region 4 encourages all Special Appropriations recipients to join EPA as a WaterSense promotional partner.  If you have not yet completed the partnership agreement and checklist, we encourage you to do so at your earliest convenience.  There are many benefits in becoming a part of a national water conservation program.  As a partner, EPA can assist you in educating your customers in the simple steps they can take to reduce their water usage by as much as 30% without sacrificing convenience or making lifestyle changes.  For more information concerning this important effort go to www.epa.gov/watersense   Exit EPA Disclaimer

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SPAPs Funding Priorities

EPA Region 4 has implemented a funding process for Fiscal Year 2009 (October 1, 2008 – September 30, 2009) with strict funding deadlines. Please see our funding process:

The number of awards will be based on the availability of EPA Project Officers to overview the projects in accordance with EPA’s Project Officer workload model which limits the number of projects to 40 projects per Project Officer.

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Workbook for SPAPs Grantees

The Workbook for Special Appropriations Projects is intended to be a tool to assist grantees in understanding the process requirements and provisions related to SPAPs for wastewater, drinking water and storm water needs in Region 4. It is generally organized into six phases that include the specific requirements and documents for actions in each phase.

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Environmental Programs and Management (EPM) Grants

EPM grants are only available for projects specifically named in the annual appropriation bills for EPA. These projects vary in nature; however, the majority are used for studies, planning or training. These grants cannot be used for construction projects.

The Region 4 contact for this program is David Holroyd (holroyd.david@epa.gov) at 404-562-9228.

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For information about the contents of this page please contact Ann Brown (brown.anng@epa.gov)

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