[NIFL-FOBASICS:25] Introduction

From: Michael Beechey (mbeechey@mara.scr.entelnet.bo)
Date: Wed Mar 10 1999 - 13:31:50 EST

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From: "Michael Beechey" <mbeechey@mara.scr.entelnet.bo>
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Subject: [NIFL-FOBASICS:25] Introduction
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Hi Folks,

My name is Michael Beechey. I'm Canadian, and earn a living 
teaching EFL and computer skills, at home, in Sucre, Bolivia. My 
students range from kindergarten age to retired teachers. 

The use of technology as an educational tool, with all its 
successes and failures, is of particular interest to me. Learning to 
dominate the beast, and not to use it as a crutch, developing a 
balanced and appropriate use. 

My wife is Bolivian, and we came to Bolivia from Canada to help 
with the development of the Baha'i community, which is seeking, at 
a worldwide level, to promote understanding between cultures and 
religions, to establish the next social unit after the family, tribe, and 
nation - international integration. "The Earth is but one country, and 
mankind its citizens"

I have a small computer lab of 10 machines, which I am constantly 
upgrading. I'm looking for a partner to expand to a multi-skills 
academy - EFL, computer classes,"how to courses", etc., if 
anyone is interested in a "change of pace!"  (Survival income/local 
standard of living, no expatriate $$s.)

As a service, I send out a mailing called "Interesting Sites" which I 
clip from the various daily mailings I receive, saving the useful and 
trashing the ads. It is mainly oriented toward educators who can 
use the info for their classes, but is also of interest to generally 
curious people, like me. The issues contain the following sections: 
WWW, Education, Techno, E-mail lists, Signs of the Times, Misc. 
and Weird. If you would like a sample issue, (HTML attachment) 
drop me a line.

I am always on the look out for new, (or new to me) IBM 
compatible programs, for kids and adults. If you can recommend 
anything, I would appreciate it. I use "off the shelf" programs, some 
of which are old DOS Davidson programs, which work well on my 
older computers. I am putting together a network for newer 
machines, with Win NT4/Win98, to run programs such as Word97.
I'm also looking for cheap or donated sources of older parts, 
(SIMMS, 486 DX4 mobos, etc) which are not available here, to 
continue to expand my workshop.

bye for now,

Michael Beechey, a Canuck in Sucre, Bolivia
"The Earth is but one country, and mankind its citizens"

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