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2005 Status Reports

  • Expendable Launch Vehicle Status Report

    12.16.05 - The launch of Pluto New Horizons is rescheduled for no earlier than Jan. 17, 2006. This will enable an additional inspection of the Atlas launch vehicle.

  • Expendable Launch Vehicle Status Report

    12.06.05 - At Launch Complex 41, the Atlas V was successfully tested yesterday during a launch pad "Wet Dress Rehearsal."

  • Expendable Launch Vehicle Status Report

    11.29.05 - Due to a lack of resolution of the Boeing labor strike and other issues, the CALIPSO/CloudSat launch at Vandenberg Air Force Base will not occur during December as hoped.

  • Expendable Launch Vehicle Status Report

    11.16.05 - Delta II preparations for the CALIPSO and CloudSat launch are on hold until the payloads arrive at the pad but will resume when the Boeing technicians' strike is resolved.

  • Expendable Launch Vehicle Status Report

    11.09.05 - The CALIPSO and CloudSat satellites will be placed in an environmentally-controlled canister and placed on a transporter for the trip to the launch pad at Vandenberg Air Force Base in California.

  • Expendable Launch Vehicle Status Report

    11.02.05 - The CALIPSO and CloudSat satellites are installed within the Dual Payload Attach Fitting at the Astrotech payload processing facilities at Vandenberg Air Force Base in California.

  • Expendable Launch Vehicle Status Report

    10.31.05 - CALIPSO and CloudSat are installed within the Dual Payload Attach Fitting and continue to undergo spacecraft battery charging at Vandenberg Air Force Base in California.

  • Expendable Launch Vehicle Status Report

    10.19.05 - NASA, Boeing and the U.S. Air Force are working on a problem with the batteries of the flight termination system of the Delta II to be used to launch CALIPSO and CloudSat.

  • Expendable Launch Vehicle Status Report

    10.13.05 - The CALIPSO and CloudSat launch has been postponed pending resolution of a problem encountered while testing launch-vehicle flight-termination system batteries.

  • Expendable Launch Vehicle Status Report

    10.05.05 - CALIPSO and CloudSat are installed within the Dual Payload Attach Fitting undergoing final battery charging in preparation for transport to the launch pad.

  • Expendable Launch Vehicle Status Report

    09.15.05 - Due to Range schedule conflicts, launch of CALIPSO/CloudSat is tentatively scheduled for no earlier than Oct. 26, pending approval of the Western Range.

  • Expendable Launch Vehicle Status Report

    09.06.05 - Due to other Delta II launch and test activity, CALIPSO/CloudSat is tentatively scheduled for no earlier than Oct. 1, pending the availability of the Western Range.

  • Expendable Launch Vehicle Status Report

    08.26.05 - The CloudSat spacecraft was fueled Aug. 14 and the fuel tanks pressurized Aug. 15; CALIPSO was fueled Aug. 24 and the fuel tanks pressurized Aug. 25.

  • Expendable Launch Vehicle Status Report

    08.01.05 - The MRO spacecraft has been mated with the Atlas V for the last phase of launch preparations.

  • Expendable Launch Vehicle Status Report

    07.22.05 - The Launch System Verification Test, spacecraft power-on testing and fueling is complete on the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter. A spin test was conducted July 12.

  • Expendable Launch Vehicle Status Report

    07.12.05 - The solar arrays of the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter will be deployed, inspected and stowed for launch. The Centaur upper stage for the Atlas V is in the Vertical Integration Facility.

  • Expendable Launch Vehicle Status Report

    06.29.05 - Power-on testing of the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter (MRO) continues to go well. The high-gain antenna was installed on Friday, June 24.

  • Expendable Launch Vehicle Status Report

    06.23.05 - Power-on testing of the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter (MRO) continues to go well. The high-gain antenna will be installed on Friday.

  • Expendable Launch Vehicle Status Report

    06.16.05 - On June 6, the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter's flight batteries were installed and activated. Autonomous self-testing has been completed and installation of the thermal blankets is under way.

  • Expendable Launch Vehicle Status Report

    06.06.05 - The Electra instrument, a telecommunications package, was installed on the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter on May 26.

  • Expendable Launch Vehicle Status Report

    05.26.05 - The CloudSat spacecraft arrived at VAFB May 2 from Boulder, Colo. The Cloud-Aerosol Lidar and Infrared Pathfinder Satellite Observation spacecraft (CALIPSO) arrived May 20 from France.

  • Expendable Launch Vehicle Status Report

    04.07.05 - In the Orbital Sciences Corporation hangar at Vandenberg Air Force Base, DART has been re-mated to the Pegasus launch vehicle and fairing reinstallation will be completed today.

  • Expendable Launch Vehicle Status Report

    02.16.05 - At Vandenberg Air Force Base in California, preparations are under way for mating the DART spacecraft with the Pegasus XL launch vehicle.

  • Expendable Launch Vehicle Status Report

    02.09.05 - The gaseous nitrogen regulator has been repaired, and the Reaction Control System is now being returned to Vandenberg Air Force Base for reinstallation on the Pegasus XL to be used to launch DART.

  • Expendable Launch Vehicle Status Report

    02.02.05 - In the Orbital Sciences Corporation hangar at Vandenberg Air Force Base, Calif., the Reaction Control System (RCS) on the Pegasus launch vehicle has been depressurized and the leaking gaseous nitrogen regulator was removed.

  • Expendable Launch Vehicle Status Report

    01.26.05 - In the Orbital Sciences Corporation hangar at Vandenberg Air Force Base, Calif., a leak was observed last week during testing of the gaseous nitrogen regulator associated with the Reaction Control System on the Pegasus launch vehicle for DART.

  • Expendable Launch Vehicle Status Report

    01.19.05 - The launch of the Deep Impact spacecraft occurred successfully aboard a Boeing Delta II rocket at 1:47:08.574 p.m. EST on Jan. 12.

Status Report Archives