Kennedy News

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Katherine Trinidad
Headquarters, Washington
(Phone: 202/358-3749)

George H. Diller
Kennedy Space Center, Fla.
(Phone: 321/867-2468)

Expendable Launch Vehicle Status Report
MISSION: Cloud-Aerosol Lidar & Infrared Pathfinder Satellite Observation/CloudSat (CALIPSO/CloudSat)
LAUNCH VEHICLE: Boeing Delta 7420 with Dual Payload Attach Fitting (DPAF)
LAUNCH PAD: Space Launch Complex 2
LAUNCH SITE: Vandenberg Air Force Base (VAFB), California
LAUNCH DATE: No earlier than Oct. 26, 2005

The payloads are installed within the Dual Payload Attach Fitting undergoing final battery charging in preparation for transport to the launch pad. Delta II preparations are on schedule. The launch vehicle is awaiting arrival of the payloads Oct. 10 for installation on top of the second stage. Flight Program Verification, an integrated functional test for the Delta and payload, is scheduled for Oct. 13. It is the final major pre-launch test.

MISSION: New Horizons
LAUNCH VEHICLE: Lockheed Martin Atlas V 551 (AV-010)
LAUNCH PAD: Complex 41
LAUNCH SITE: Cape Canaveral Air Force Station, Fla.
LAUNCH DATE: Jan. 11, 2006
LAUNCH WINDOW: 2:07 to 4:07 p.m. EST

The Atlas V first stage was erected Sept. 29 at Complex 41 in the Vertical Integration Facility. If weather permits, the Centaur stage will be hoisted on top of the Atlas booster Friday. The Atlas payload fairings arrived Sept. 29. They are in the airlock at the Payload Hazardous Servicing Facility and will be moved into the clean-room high bay on Thursday. Since the arrival of New Horizons last week, spacecraft testing and processing is on schedule. On Thursday, the instrument that will measure the solar wind around Pluto will be installed.

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