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Office of Civil Enforcement


Director: Walker Smith

Deputy Director:

Randy Hill

Actg. Associate Deputy Director:


Phone Number:

(202) 564-2220
FAX (202) 564-0011

The Office of Civil Enforcement (OCE) provides national leadership for enforcement of seven major federal environmental statutes. In coordination with EPA's regional offices, states, tribes, and other federal agencies, OCE ensures that industry, organizations, and other regulated entities meet their environmental obligations.

We accomplish our mission by targeting those violations that present the highest risks to human health and the environment, and taking legal action to address these problems. We seek either through settlement or an administrative or judicial order to achieve correction of violations and appropriate remedies for the environmental harm caused. Through our vigorous enforcement program, we also seek to deter future violations and eliminate financial incentives to noncompliance.

OCE develops and implements various innovative programs that encourage regulated entities to comply with the law. Penalty reductions and other incentives are available to those who discover their environmental violations, disclose them to EPA, and expeditiously correct the problems.

OCE manages and provides program oversight for EPA's national enforcement and compliance assurance priorities National Enforcement Priorities. These priorities address sectors that display nationwide patterns of significant noncompliance, where enforcement can yield the greatest environmental and compliance benefits. Cases brought under the priorities typically focus on violators or industries that operate in multiple states with serious, long-standing violations that place human health and the environment at risk.

Organizationally, OCE is composed of four enforcement divisions and an administrative office. The divisions develop, implement and direct the national statutory and regulatory enforcement programs, provide policy and guidance, and carry out enforcement actions. The OCE divisions are the Air Enforcement Division (AED), Special Litigation & Projects Division (SLPD), Waste and Chemical Enforcement Division (WCED), and the Water Enforcement Division (WED).

OCE Mission Statement
OCE Organization and Divisions

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