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Advisory Letter to Commissioner Astrue in response to Notice of Proposed Rule Making: Amendments to the Ticket to Work and Self-Sufficiency Program (Volume 72, Number 155), October 5, 2007
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Panel Testimony before the Senate Finance Committee on June 21, 2007 - "Barriers to Work for Individuals Receiving Social Security Disability Benefits"
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Ticket to Work and Work Incentives Advisory Panel's Letter to Commissioner Astrue, March 7, 2007
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Publication of Final Rule, Ticket to Work and Self-Sufficiency Program; Follow Up to Panel’s September 28, 2006 Letter
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Marketing the Ticket to Work Program and Work Incentives November 6, 2006
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Cooperative Agreements for Work Incentives Planning and Assistance Projects; Program Announcement No. SSA–OESP–06–1 October 4, 2006
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Cooperative Agreements for Work Incentives Planning and Assistance Projects; Program Announcement No. SSA–OESP–06–1 (Attachment) October 4, 2006
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Notice of Proposed Rule Making: Amendments to the Ticket to Work and Self-Sufficiency Program (Volume 70, Number 189), Publication of Final Rule September 28, 2006.
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Advisory Letter to Commissioner Barnhart on the Issuance of Receipts to Acknowledge Submission of Reports of Changes in Work or Earnings Status of Beneficiaries with Disabilities, May 3, 2006.
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Advisory Letter to Commissioner Barnhart in response to Notice of Proposed Rule Making: Amendments to the Ticket to Work and Self-Sufficiency Program (Volume 70, Number 189)
December 22, 2005 .
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Letter to The Honorable Jim McCrery and the Honorable Charles E. Grassley recommending the Renewal of the Social Security Administration's Authority to Begin New Demonstration Projects
December 20, 2005.
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Advisory Letter to Commissioner Barnhart in response to the Notice of Proposed Rule Making on the Administrative Review Process for Adjudicating Initial Disability Claims
October 25, 2005
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Advisory Letter to Commissioner Barnhart in response to the Notice of Proposed Rule Making on Rules for Helping Blind and Disabled Individuals Achieve Self Support
September 9, 2005
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Advisory Letter to Commissioner Barnhart Concerning the Release of the Amendments to the Ticket to Work and Self-Sufficiency Program Regulations
August 26, 2005
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Advisory letter to Associate Commissioner Sue Suter with the
Panel's recommendations for possible consideration on the Benefits Planning, Assistance and Outreach (BPA&O) Request for Applications (RFA).
February 11, 2005
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Advisory letter to Commissioner Barnhart urging SSA to immediately launch a national campaign for public education and training on the Ticket Program, SSDI and SSI work incentives and related employment support programs and services
May 11, 2004
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Advisory Letter to Commissioner Barnhart urging SSA to send follow up letters to current ticket holders who received their ticket as part of the Phase I or Phase II rollout of the Ticket to Work and Self-Sufficiency Program
April 28, 2004
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Letter to Members of Congress expressing strong support of the legislative proposal in S. 1627 reauthorizing the Rehabilitation Act to continue funding for the American Indian Vocational Rehabilitation (AIVR) projects on the basis of performance.
January 20, 2004
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Advisory Letter to Commissioner Barnhart in response to the Notice of Proposed Rule Making on the Reinstatement of Entitlement to Disability Benefits.
December 18, 2003
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Advisory letter to the Honorable Clay Shaw and the Honorable Charles Grassley in support of reauthorization and increased resources for the Benefits, Planning, Assistance, and Outreach and Protection and Advocacy Programs created by the Ticket to Work Act.
November 20, 2003
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Advisory Letter to Deputy Commissioner Martin Gerry and Assistant Secretary Robert Pasternack regarding the interaction of State Vocational Rehabilitation Agencies and Employment Networks in Implementing the Ticket Program
October 21, 2003
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Advisory Letter to Commissioner Barnhart in response to the Notice of Proposed Rule Making on the Continuation of Benefits to Certain Individuals Who Are Participating in a Program of Vocational Rehabilitation Services, Employment Services or Other Support Services
September 29, 2003
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Letter to the Honorable Clay Shaw in response to follow-up questions from the September 26, 2002 hearing before the Social Security Subcommittee of the House Ways and Means Committee
November 1, 2002
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Letter to the Honorable Clay Shaw in response to follow-up questions from the July 11, 2002 hearing before the Social Security Subcommittee of the House Ways and Means Committee
September 3, 2002
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Advisory letter to Commissioner Barnhart supporting implementation of the Employment Support Representative position in field offices
July 1, 2002
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Advisory letter to the Honorable Clay Shaw in support of the Work Opportunity Tax Credit
April 11, 2002
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Advisory letter to President Bush opposing the deletion of specific funding for the Supported Employment and Projects with Industry programs
March 1, 2002
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Advisory letter to Commissioner Barnhart urging the full funding of the Benefits Planning, Assistance and Outreach and Protection and Advocacy grant programs
January 7, 2002
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Advisory letter to President Bush urging the immediate issuance of the implementing regulations for the Ticket to Work and Self -Sufficiency Program
November 30, 2001
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Advisory letter to Acting Commissioner Halter regarding the Notice of Proposed Rulemaking of implementing regulations for the Ticket to Work and Self- Sufficiency Program
February 20, 2001
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