BUYUSA.GOV -- U.S. Commercial Service

United Kingdom Local time: 02:10 AM


Assess Your Company’s European Market Potential With the U.S. Commercial Service’s Quicktake Service

Quicktake (QT) is a new, fast service for qualified American companies.  It provides a comprehensive assessment of your company’s potential for making sales in specific European markets, based on current and future demand; competition; and relevant European Union regulations, standards, and legislation. 

For $750 up to 28 American Embassy market specialists, monitoring priority industry sectors (see below) across Europe, will review your product’s export potential in their respective markets, and in ten business days give you a concise report covering current demand, future demand, competition, next steps and more.

To qualify for this service, you must:

  • Be an American company or have at least 51% U.S. content
  • Complete a Company Questionnaire prior to the service
  • Be committed to exporting
  • Have an acceptable level of export-readiness as determined by the QT coordinator in your sector
  • Not have a distribution agreement in more than 3 countries in Europe
  • Follow up on QT-generated leads

Priority Industry Sectors, currently include:

  • Aerospace/Defense
  • Automotive
  • Energy
  • Environment
  • Franchise
  • Information Technology
  • Medical/Pharmaceutical
  • Safety/Security

Download Quicktake Flyer - QT Brochure (1075KB)

For further information, please visit the Quicktake Website.

To request a QT, please fill out our online registration or contact our global QT coordinator Ira Bel in Brussels, Belgium at +32 2 508 2434 or e-mail