Bureau of Land Management Logo. Link to BLM web site. Forest Service Logo. Link to FS web site.
ServiceFirst Working Together

Lakeview Oregon Interagency Sign

New Features

Fuelwood Revisited
-Sample Agreement
-Permit Form
-FSH 2409.18 HB


Interagency Service First Coordinator:

The four participating agencies have agreed to share one person as the contact and coordinator for the Service First partnership authority.

  • Jennifer Eberlien
    Bureau of Land Management, Forest Service, National Park Service, and US Fish and Wildlife Service
    BLM: 202-452-5147
    Forest Service: 202-205-0917

We are always seeking Service First Best Practices to share with all employees. If something worked specifically for you (i.e., a process, method, etc.), please contact Jennifer with the information.


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Supervisory Handbook
(including operation concepts)
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Authorizations and Legislation
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Home Page

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US Fish and Wildlife Service Logo. Link to USFWS web site. National Park Service Logo. Link to NPS web site.