From the Lab to the Marketplace (1995)

Key Publications


"Efficient Use of Energy: Part I - A Physics Perspective," W. Carnahan, K.W. Ford, A. Prosperetti, G. Rochlin, A.H. Rosenfeld, M.H. Ross, J.E. Rothberg, G.M. Seide, R.H. Socolow, American Institute of Physics Conference Proceedings, Vol. 25 (1975).

Supplying Energy Through Greater Efficiency, A. Meier, J. Wright, and A.H. Rosenfeld, University of California Press (1983).

"The Role of Federal Research and Development in Advancing Energy Efficiency: A $50 Billion Contribution to the U.S. Economy," H. Geller, J. Harris, M. Levine, A.H. Rosenfeld, Annual Review of Energy, 12 , pp. 357-395 (1987).

"Energy for Buildings and Homes," R. Bevington, A.H. Rosenfeld, Scientific American, 263 (3), pp. 77-86 (September 1990).

Getting American Back on the Energy-Efficiency Track: No-Regrets Policies for Slowing Climate Change, H.S. Geller, E. Hirst, E. Mills, A.H. Rosenfeld, M. Ross, American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy, Washington, DC (1991).

"Realistic Mitigation Options for Global Warming," E.S. Rubin, R.N. Cooper, R.A. Frosch, T.H. Lee, G. Marland, A.H. Rosenfeld, D.D. Stine, Science, 257, pp. 148-49, 261-266 (July 1992).

"The New Downstream: Increased Efficiency and Renewables As Competitive Energy Resources," E. Mills, in The Future of Energy Gases, U.S. Geologic Survey (D. Howell, ed.), U.S. Geological Survey, Professional Paper 1570, U.S. Government Printing Office, pp. 849-867 (1993).

"Energy Efficiency, Market Failures, and Government Policy," M.D. Levine, E. Hirst, J.G. Koomey, J.E. McMahon, A.H. Sanstad, Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory Report No. 35376 and Oak Ridge National Laboratory Report No. 383 (1994).

Center for Building Science News, E. Mills (ed.), published quarterly, LBL PUB-731, available from the Center for Building Science, Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory, Berkeley, California.


"Energy Efficiency and Performance of Solid-State Ballasts," R. Verderber, S. Selkowitz, S. Berman, Lighting Design & Application, pp. 23-28 (April 1979).

"Energy Savings with Solid-State Ballasts in a Veterans Administration Medical Center," R.R. Verderber, O.C. Morse, A.A. Arthur, F. Rubinstein, IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications IA-18 (6), pp. 653-65 (November/December 1982).

"Thermal Performance Characteristics of Compact Fluorescent Fixtures," M.J. Siminovitch, F.M. Rubinstein, R.E. Whiteman, Proceedings of the IEEE-IAS Annual Conference, Seattle, WA (October 1990).

"Energy Efficiency Consequences of Scotopic Sensitivity," S.M. Berman, Journal of the Illuminating Engineering Society (Winter 1992).

Advanced Lighting Guidelines, C. Ely, T.M. Tolen, J.R. Benya, F. Rubinstein, and R. Verderbet, DOE/EE-0008 (1993).


"A Discussion of Heat Mirror Film: Performance, Production Processes and Cost Estimates," B. Levin, P. Schumacher, Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory Report No. 7812 (October 1977).

"Thermal Performance of Insulating Window Systems," S. Selkowitz, ASHRAE Transactions, 85 (2), (June 1979).

"Window Performance and Building Energy Use: Some Technical Options for Increasing Energy Efficiency," S. Selkowitz, in Energy Sources: Conservation and Renewables, AIP Conference Proceedings No. 135, Washington, DC (April 1985).

"Savings from Energy Efficient Windows: Current and Future Savings from New Fenestration Technologies in the Residential Market," K. Frost, D. Arasteh, J. Eto, Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory Report No. 33956 (April 1993).

"Determining Thermal Performance of Window Systems," D. Arasteh, F. Beck, W.C. duPont, R.C. Mathis, ASHRAE Journal, 36 (8), pp. 16-20 (August 1994).

"Advances in Window Technologies: 1973-1993," D. Arasteh, in Advances in Solar Energy, Vol. 9, The American Solar Energy Society, Boulder, CO (September 1994).

Appliance and Building Standards

"U.S. Residential Appliance Energy Efficiency: Present Status and Future Policy Directions," I. Turiel, D. Berman, P. Chan, T. Chan, J. Koomey, B. Lebot, M.D. Levine, J.E. McMahon, G. Rosenquist, S. Stoft, Proceedings of the 1990 Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Buildings, American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy, Washington, DC, pp. 1.213-1.234 (August 1990).

"Patterns of Energy Use in Buildings," in Solar Heating Technologies: Fundamentals and Applications, A.H. Rosenfeld, M.D. Levine, E. Mills, B. Hunn; B. Hunn (ed.), MIT Press (1994).

Design Tools and Other Software

"DOE-1: A New State-of-the-Art Computer Program for the Energy Utilization Analysis of Buildings," G.S. Leighton and H.D. Ross; A.H. Rosenfeld, F.C. Winkelmann, M. Lokmanhekim, LBL Report No. 7836 and Proceedings of the International Symposium on the Use of Computers for Environmental Engineering Related to Buildings, Banff, Canada (May 1978). (The current version is DOE 2.1E.)

CIRA—a PC-based tool for residential retrofit analysis, now marketed as EEDO by a private firm (Burt Hill Kosar Rittelmann and Associates, Butler, PA).

PEAR—a simplified PC-based tool, based on extensive DOE-2 simulations, readily usable by builders, architects, or lenders to provide reliable estimates of building energy consumption. See "Program for Energy Analysis of Residences: Pear 2.1 User's Manual," LBL Pub-610 (March 1987).

RADIANCE—a computer generated graphic simulation of lighting in indoor environments that is photometrically accurate and ultra-realistic. See "The Radiance Lighting Simulation and Rendering System," G. Ward, Computer Graphics, Association for Computing Machinery (July 1994).

SUPERLITE—a mainframe and microcomputer program that calculates daylight illuminance distributions for complex room and light source geometries with tested accuracy. See "The DOE-2 and SUPERLITE Daylighting Programs," S. Selkowitz, J.J. Kim, M. Navvab, F. Winkelmann, Proceedings of the 7th National Passive Solar Conference, International Solar Energy Society (June 1982).

Utility Accounting Program for Public Housing Authorities—a spreadsheet-based microcomputer program for tracking utility consumption and costs, designed especially for public housing authorities. See "The Utility Accounting Package: Version 1.0," K.M. Greely, E. Mills, R.L. Ritschard, S. Bartlett, prepared for the Innovative Technology and Special Projects Division, U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, LBL Pub-638 (1989).

WINDOW—a thermal analysis computer program that is the de facto standard used by U.S. window manufacturers to characterize product performance. See "WINDOW 4.0: Documentation of Calculation Procedures," E.U. Finlayson, D. K. Arasteh, C. Huizenga, M.D. Rubin, M.S. Reilly, LBL Report No. 33943 (July 1993).

COMIS (Conjunction of Multizone Infiltration Specialists)—An advanced computer model that simulates the air flow distribution in multizone buildings. This program was developed in an international effort by researchers from nine countries. See "The COMIS Infiltration Model—A Tool for Multizone Applications," H.A. Feustel, M.H. Sherman, Proceedings of the XXI Symposium of the International Centre for Heat and Mass Transfer, pp. 771-779, Dubrovnik, Yugoslavia, LBL Report No. 26550 (1989).


"Efficient Energy Use and Well-Being: The Swedish Example," L. Schipper and A. Lichtenberg, Science, 194 , pp. 1001-1013 (1976).

Proceedings of the ASEAN Conference on Energy Conservation in Buildings, K.H. Olson, W.W. Ching (eds.), U.S. Agency for International Development (1984).

Energy Efficiency and Human Activity: Past Trends, Future Prospects, L. Schipper and S. Meyers, Cambridge University Press (1992).

China Data Book, J.E. Sinton, M.D. Levine, F. Liu, W.B. Davis, J. Shenping, Z. Xing, J. Kejun, Z. Dadi (eds.), prepared by Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory and Energy Research Institute, State Planning Commission of China, LBL Report No. 32822 (1992).

Utility Planning

Least-Cost Utility Planning: A Handbook for Public Utility Commissioners, F. Krause, J. Eto, prepared for the Nation Association of Regulatory Utility Commissioners, Washington DC (December 1988).

Primer on Gas Integrated Resource Planning, C. Goldman, G.A. Comnes, J. Busch, S. Wiel, prepared for the National Association of Regulatory Utility Commissioners, Washington DC (December 1993).

Indoor Environment

"Infiltration-Pressurization Correlation: Simplified Physical Modeling," M.H. Sherman, D.T. Grimsrud, ASHRAE Transactions, 86 (2), pp. 778-807 (1980).

"Characterizing the Source of Radon Indoors," A.V. Nero and W.W. Nazaroff, Radiation Protection Dosimetry, 7, pp. 12-39 (1984).

"Distribution of Airborne Radon-222 Concentrations in U.S. Homes," A.V. Nero, M.B. Schwehr, W.W. Nazaroff, K.L. Revzan, Science, 234, pp. 992-997 (1986).

"Residential Duct System Leakage: Magnitude, Impacts, and Potential for Reduction," M.P. Modera, ASHRAE Transactions, 95 (2), pp. 561-569 (1989).

"Phase 1 of the California Healthy Building Study," W.J. Fisk, M.J. Mendell, J.M. Daisey, D. Faulkner, A.T. Hodgson, M. Nematollahi, J.M. Macher, Indoor Air, 3, pp. 246-254 (1993).

Global Climate

Policy Implications of Greenhouse Warming: Mitigation, Adaptation, and the Science Base, National Academy of Sciences, National Academy Press (A.H. Rosenfeld served as member of Mitigation Panel) (1992).

Federal Energy Efficiency

"The U.S. Department of Energy's In-House Energy Management Program: Meeting the Challenges of Federal Energy Management," S. Greenberg, E. Mills, D. Lockhart, D. Sartor, W. Lintner, Proceedings of the 1994 ACEEE Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Buildings (August 1994).

"Deterrents to Energy Conservation in Public Housing," E. Mills, R.L. Ritschard, C.A. Goldman, Energy Systems and Policy,11(3), pp. 169-183 (1987).