Mission Information


    JSC2007e18090 : STS-120 crew
    Image above: Attired in training versions of their shuttle launch and entry suits, the STS-120 crew members await the start of a training session in the Space Vehicle Mockup Facility at Johnson Space Center. From the left are astronauts Pamela A. Melroy, STS-120 commander; Daniel M. Tani, Expedition 16 flight engineer; George D. Zamka, STS-120 pilot; Douglas H. Wheelock, Scott E. Parazynski, Stephanie D. Wilson and European Space Agency's (ESA) Paolo Nespoli, all mission specialists. Image credit: NASA

    STS-120 was the 23rd shuttle mission to the International Space Station, and launched an Italian-built U.S. multi-port module for the station.

    Retired Air Force Col. Pamela A. Melroy commanded the STS-120 mission which took the Harmony Node 2 connecting module to the station. Melroy, a veteran shuttle pilot, was the second woman to command a shuttle. Marine Corps Col. George D. Zamka served as pilot. The flight's mission specialists were Scott E. Parazynski, Army Col. Douglas H. Wheelock, Stephanie D. Wilson and Paolo A. Nespoli, a European Space Agency astronaut from Italy. Zamka, Wheelock and Nespoli were making their first spaceflight.

    Expedition 15/16 Flight Engineer Clayton Anderson returned to Earth from the space station aboard shuttle mission STS-120. That flight carried his replacement, Daniel Tani, to the station. Tani will return on shuttle mission STS-122.

    + Read the April 26, 2007, press release
    + Read the April 16, 2007, press release
    + Read the Jan. 29, 2007, press release
    + Read the June 19, 2006, press release

Mission Information

  • STS-120 to Deliver Harmony Node to ISS

    STS-120 to Deliver Harmony Node to ISS

    October's STS-120 mission will bring the Harmony module, christened after a school contest, that will provide attachment points for European and Japanese laboratory modules.

Crew Profiles


     STS-120 crew insignia Launch:
    Oct. 23, 2007
    11:38 a.m. EDT

    Nov. 7, 2007
    1:01 p.m. EST


    Mission Number:
    (120th space shuttle flight)

    Launch Window:
    10 minutes

    Launch Pad:

    Mission Duration:
    15 days, 2 hours, 23 minutes

    Landing Site:

    51.6 degrees/122 nautical miles

    Primary Payload:
    23rd station flight (10A), U.S. Node 2

    + STS-120 Press Kit (PDF 9.1 Mb)
    + Mission Archives


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