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Criminal Case Activities

EPA's Criminal Enforcement program investigates and helps to prosecute environmental violations which seriously threaten public health and the environment or involve conduct that may be willful, intentional, or deliberate. Besides environmental violations, the cases may also have associated U.S. criminal code violations such as conspiracy, false statements, witness tampering, or interfering with a law enforcement investigation. Criminal enforcement sanctions -- which may include incarceration of individuals in addition to monetary fines against individuals, businesses, or corporations represent the enforcement program's strongest sanction and deterrent.

Criminal Case Activities by Fiscal Year

The Summary of Criminal Prosecutions contains information on cases from earlier fiscal years.

Reporting a Possible Environmental Violation

Report Environmental Violations

If you suspect that an environmental crime has been committed, you are encouraged to Report an Environmental Violation.

We encourage you to report a suspected violation, even if you are not sure which law has been violated or which federal or state agency is responsible for investigating such crimes. EPA will direct the matter to the appropriate investigative authority.

Civil Enforcement | Cleanup Enforcement | Criminal Enforcement

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