Processing ENDF/B-VII.0
R. Arcilla,NNDC

The ENDF/B-VII.0 library was processed with NJOY-99.161 by the NNDC in the frame of Phase 1 testing (data verification). The following procedure is recommended for repeating this exercise on a LINUX platform:

  1. Install NJOY-99.0 source code and upgrade it to NJOY-99.161 by installing patch-161 available from T-16 LANL.
  2. Install the machine-dependent patch.
    WARNING:  Some materials will not process through NJOY without the machine-dependent patch (e.g. Am-241 and Am-243).
  3. Compile the source code, rename executable to xnjoy, and make it accessible from any directory (e.g., by copying it to ~/bin). If you are using g77 FORTRAN compiler to build NJOY, avoid the '-o' (optimization) switch that is known to cause NJOY to issue false positive error messages for some isotopes (e.g. Am-241 and Am-243).
  4. Create a script to process individual files and make it accessible from any directory. The following runjoy bash script was used to process the neutron sublibrary on the NNDC's Linux cluster.
  5. Make runjoy run script executable (chmod a+x runjoy)
  6. Go to the directory in which ENDF files are located and run the script with a file-name as an argument, e.g.,

    runjoy   n-094_Pu_239.endf

    Optionally runjoy will accept temperature and MAT# as the second and third argument, respectively, e.g.,

    runjoy   n-094_Pu_239.endf   300   9437
Known Problems:
  • n+Es-253 and p+C-13 are incomplete evaluations and will cause NJOY to crash.
Basic Testing of ENDF/B-VII.0 with MCNP

Simple test calculations, using the processed files in the Monte Carlo codes MCNP5 (photonuclear, neutron, thermal scattering) and MCNPX (proton) were successfully carried out ensuring that ENDF/B-VII.0 can be used in neutronics calculations.

Top of Page Web: Ramon Arcilla, NNDC, Brookhaven National Laboratory
Last Modified: December 12, 2006