ENDF/B-VII.0 in ACE-Format
R. Arcilla, NNDC,

The ENDF/B-VII.0-ACE library (number D00226MNYCP00) can be obtained cost-free from RSICC (distribution is restricted). For inquiries contact pdc@ornl.gov.

Description of Contents
The DVD contains ACE-format files for 392 materials in the ENDF/B-VII.0 neutron reaction sublibrary (a complete set except 253Es) and all 20 materials in the thermal neutron scattering sublibrary. These files were generated by the NNDC with the processing code NJOY-99.161 as a part of the Phase 1 testing (data verification) of the ENDF/B-VII.0 library. The neutron sublibrary was processed at the temperature of 300o Kelvin, while different temperatures, ranging from 19o to 296o Kelvin for individual materials, were used for the thermal neutron scattering sublibrary. The resulting ACE format files were tested in simple neutronics calculations with the Monte Carlo transport code MCNP5. The files are organized in the following directory structure:

  • Neutron
    • NJOY_Input_300K - the general input deck used to process all materials, and
    • ACE_Files - ACE-format (ASCII) files for all materials along with the cumulative xsdir file.
  • Thermal_Scattering
    • NJOY_Inputs - input decks for each material processed, and
    • ACE_Files - ACE-format (ASCII) files for each material along with the xsdir file.

Computing Platform
Hardware: Cluster of Dell PowerEdge servers, each with two Xeon 3.2-GHz processors
Operating System: Red Hat Enterprise Linux ES/WS 3.0

Packaging Platform
The DVD was created in the DVD-R format on a Personal Computer running the Microsoft Windows XP operating system or Linux or on UNIX workstations. The data files are distributed in 2 formats for convenience of users: a Windows self-extracting compressed file and
a GNU compressed Unix tar file. Expanding either file will create a subdirectory called "Dlc226" that contains all the data.

Disk Storage
The expanded package requires approximately 1.7 GB of disk space.

Quality of Data
Simple calculations using the Godiva model were performed to ensure that the ACE-format files could be used by the MCNP5 code. However, no strict Quality Assurance or benchmark tests were conducted on these files. Due to the preliminary nature of these files, NNDC does not provide any kind of support and/or technical assistance to end-users neither does it guarantee the accuracy of the processed data.

Top of Page Web: Boris Pritychenko, NNDC, Brookhaven National Laboratory
Last Modified: December 20, 2006