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Peter Ferrara Named Brookhaven Lab's Fiscal Officer

October 17, 2007

UPTON, NY - Peter Ferrara has been named Fiscal Officer for the U.S. Department of Energy's (DOE) Brookhaven National Laboratory, effective October 1. The Laboratory is managed by Brookhaven Science Associates under contract with DOE and has approximately 2,600 employees and an annual budget of about $500 million.

Photo of Peter Ferrara

Peter Ferrara (click image to download hi-res version)

In his new position, Ferrara has primary responsibility for the Fiscal Services Division, which has about 30 employees. The division's functions include accounts payable, accounts receivable, conference management, general accounting, payroll and travel services. Ferrara is also responsible for assuring the accuracy and integrity of the Laboratory's financial statements and for compliance with DOE requirements as well as generally accepted accounting principles.

"I am honored to have been chosen for this position," Ferrara said. "I will be working on maintaining the high standards of the Fiscal Services Division and, when possible, improving the Lab's fiscal practices in support of our scientific mission. One of my challenges will be to maintain and recruit excellent staff for the Fiscal Services Division as the Laboratory adds new facilities in the future."

A Certified Public Accountant, Ferrara earned a B.S. in accounting from Binghamton University in 1983. From 1983 to 2000, he held various positions of increasing responsibility in public accounting and in private and public organizations both on Long Island and in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. He joined Brookhaven Lab as general accounting manager in 2000, and, since January 2007, had also served as the Laboratory's Interim Fiscal Officer. Ferrara is a member of the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants.


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