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Business FAQ on the US


FAQ on the U.S

Where can my company go to find information on establishing business in the U.S?

An excellent source for business information is the Council of American States in Europe ( and the US Chamber of Commerce ( The individual states also have good information on how to do business on their websites; (see a list of individual states official websites at: To find a U.S. lawyer visit the American Bar Association (

How can I find information on U.S. Patents and Trademarks?

The United States Trademark and Patent Office ( provides a wide range of information on patents and trademarks; including how to apply for a Trademark or Patent; what a Patent or Trademark does; international guarantees on patents and trade marks and much more.

Where can I find information on U.S. Agricultural/Fisheries products, manufacturers and suppliers?

The easiest way to locate agricultural information is to visit the FAS website ( This site provides information on topics such as grains, produce, seafood, lumber, etc.

Is there a list anywhere that gives addresses for U.S. Embassies and Consulates worldwide?

The US State Department ( provides a worldwide list of Embassies and Consulates categorized by regions.

I need information on a U.S. firm?

Thomas register ( has good information on U.S. manufacturers. Also basic contact information can be found in phonebooks on the Internet at sites like Teldir ( and Anywho ( The Embassy Commercial section has access to a wide selection of business resources. Do not hesitate to contact us for assistance.

Where can I find Statistical, Economic, Legal and Geographic information about the U.S?

The CIA World Factbook ( is a good source for general information about the United States. The Census Bureau ( also provides an extensive website on US figures and statistics. For labor statistics visit the Bureau of Labor Statistics (

I represent an Icelandic firm and would like to export to the U.S., where do I start?

The Icelandic Trade Council ( assists Icelandic companies interested in exporting. For exporting to the U.S. you can contact the Icelandic Embassy in the U.S. ( and the U.S. Embassy in Iceland might also be able to help you with basic information.

I need to ship something to the U.S., where can I get customs information, duty rates, etc?

The U.S. customs website ( is a good resource.

Where can I get information on importing/exporting a weapon into/out of the U.S??

The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms ( handles import/export of firearms. For hunting licenses visit specific states' websites

Where can I get information on U.S. Tradeshows?

The Tradeshow News Network ( is a good source on tradeshows.

Where can I find information on the Fisheries Sector in the U.S?

The website of the National Fisheries Institute ( has wealth of information on the U.S. fisheries sector.

I need to look up an Area Code in the U.S?

Choose this link for an excellent area code lookup resource (

I need to look up a Zip Code in the U.S?

Find everything you ever wanted to know about zip codes at USPS (

I need Franchise information?

The International Franchise Organization website ( a good resource on the franchise sector in the U.S.

I need a Background Check/Credit Report on a U.S. firm?

Visit the websites of the Better Business Bureau (, the U.S. Securities & Exchange Commission ( or the U.S. Chamber of Commerce ( for information on the background of a firm. Also Dun & Bradstreet ( offers a wide selection of credit reports on a large number of companies.