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Debix Logo

Debix, Inc.
900 Congress Avenue, Suite 402
Austin, Texas 78701
(P) 888-DebixMe (888-332-4963)
(E) info@debix.com

Prevent identity theft…

…with Debix, the Identity Protection Network. Debix puts the power to stop identity thieves in your hands. So only you can approve new credit card accounts and loans in your name. All you need is a phone. Debix requires every bank and creditor to contact you through our secure, automated phone network before opening any new account. Banks will always bring you into the loop on important decisions, so thieves can never fool them again. Your stolen social security number and other personal information become useless to identity thieves.

Media Contact Information

For all media inquiries and interview requests, contact:
Julie Fergerson
(P) 512-699-6821
(E) julie.fergerson@debix.com

Debix Quick Facts
Corporate Type: Private
Number of Employees: Under 100
Work Environment: Start-Up
Year Founded: 2004
Primary Business: Identity Protection

Stop identity theft before the damage is done. Get Debix Identity Protection today.

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