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Saturn: Jewel of the Solar System
Saturn: Jewel of the Solar System

332 KB and 861 KB, 10 pages
Requires Adobe Reader
Poster is 33 x 27.5 inches.
Print nine pages on 8.5 x 11 paper.

Most recent update: February 14, 2006

Download Options:
Saturn Poster: Front - 858 KB PDF File
Saturn Poster: Back - 331 KB PDF File

In June 2004, NASA's Cassini-Huygens spacecraft performed a spectacular crossing through the ring plane, going into orbit around Saturn to return new information and incredible images.

The spacecraft's onboard instruments will collect unique data that may answer many questions about the composition of the rings and help scientists gain a better understanding of the planet Saturn, its magnetosphere, its principal moon Titan, and its other moons -- the small "icy satellites."
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