Acquisiton Directorate

Coastal Patrol Boat

USCGC BARRACUDAThe 87' Coastal Patrol Boat (CPB) acquisition was developed to replace the aging fleet of 82' Point Class cutters and improve mission performance in the areas of Search and Rescue, Enforcement of Laws and Treaties, Marine Environmental Protection and Port Security and Safety.
Learn more about the CPB>>


June 20, 2008-USCGC SEA DEVIL (WPB-87368) was commissioned in Bangor, WA.

Latest News Release

Coast Guard Cutter Sea Devil to be Commisioned

The newest addition to the Coast Guard fleet will be commissioned during a ceremony at  Naval Base Kitsap-Keyport, Wash., Friday, June 20, at 10 a.m.The crew of the Sea Devil will be assigned to the Coast Guard's Marine Force Protection Unit (MFPU) in Bangor, Wash. Read more>>

Coast Guard to Commision Cutter Sea Dragon

The Coast Guard will commission the Cutter Sea Dragon (WPB-87367) in a ceremony Monday at 11 a.m. at Naval Submarine Base Kings Bay, Ga.Rear Adm. David W. Kunkel, commander of the Coast Guard's Seventh District, will preside over the commissioning ceremony, which marks the formal establishment of the new cutter. Read more>>


Information About:

Acquisition Programs

Deepwater Program

National Security Cutter

Offshore Patrol Cutter

Fast Response Cutter

Response Boat-Medium

Long Range Interceptor / Short Range Prosecutor


Surface Fact Sheet (pdf

In the News...

Coast Guard Cutter Is First Vessel Assigned to Provide Security for Navy

Enlisting a Coast Guard Cutter to Protect Navy Subs

Naval Base Kitsap Welcomes Coast Guard Cutter to Fleet

Navy Commissions Sea Devil to Escort Kitsap-area Subs

CGC Sea Devil To Be Commissioned


Last Modified 9/10/2008