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Technology Assessments

 Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy For Brain Tumors

Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy (MRS) measures in vivo concentrations of specific metabolites within a pre-determined volume of brain tissue. Using this information, MRS could potentially assist in the diagnosis of space occupying lesions in the brain.

The use of MRS is currently subject to a national noncoverage determination (Coverage Issues Manual Section 50-13).

On August 8, 2002 the American College of Radiology formally requested a National Coverage Determination (NCD) be made for MRS for the following indications:

1. Cerebral tumor versus abscess or other infectious or inflammatory process, and

2. Cerebral tumor versus radiation necrosis.

Technology Assessment

Download Technology Assessment [PDF, 739KB].


For patients presenting with signs or symptoms of a space-occupying brain lesion:

  1. For what metabolic profiles does the yield of MRS provide equivalent, complementary, or more accurate diagnostic information for (i) initial diagnosis, (ii) recurrence, or (iii) assessing therapy than
    • Brain biopsy
    • Conventional anatomic imaging studies
    • MRS + conventional anatomic imaging studies vs. brain biopsy

  2. Does the use of MRS lead to an improved net health outcome by
    • Avoiding unnecessary biopsy
    • Obtaining appropriate biopsy, from appropriate location
    • Directing biopsy to an appropriate location
    • Receiving appropriate treatment
    • Avoiding an inappropriate treatment

  3. Are voxel positions and operator error important factors in obtaining diagnostic images? If so, how do they impact MRS accuracy?
Associated NCA
Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy for Brain Tumors (CAG-00141N)

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Page Last Modified: 5/30/2008 4:00:04 PM

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