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FY 2008 1st and 2nd Quarter Applications Open New
The Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA) is pleased to announce that applications for the Southwest Border Prosecution Initiative (SWBPI) FY 2008 1st and 2nd  Quarter Reporting Periods (October 1 - December 31 2007 and January 1 - March 31 2008), will be accepted beginning Tuesday, August 26, 2008 and close on October 7, 2008 at 5 P.M. Eastern Time. Please log in to access the FY 2008 1st and 2nd quarter applications.

You can view the latest SWBPI Application Funding Levels by clicking the Payments Report link.

A county or state government in Arizona, California, New Mexico, or Texas may participate if it prosecuted or detained a defendant in a federally initiated and referred criminal case disposed of during any one of the eligible reporting periods.

In New Mexico, only detention services may be reported in a county's on-line application. Prosecution services are provided through various state agencies and will be reflected in a state level application.

The Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA) will be requiring the following three data fields for each of the submitted cases for reimbursement for the FY 2008 1st and 2nd quarter applications.

  1. Case Number - BJA is requiring that all applicants provide a court case/docket number for every eligible case for which they are requesting payment.
  2. Defendant Name - In addition to the court case/docket # for each case, applicants will need to provide the defendant’s first and last names and middle initial for each of the cases.
  3. Date Case Resolved -  For each case included, applicants must provide the date each federally initiated case was resolved.

A simple matrix has been devised to capture reported cases, based upon case disposition length and the jurisdiction's use of prosecution and detention resources.  A standard payment is then calculated for each case, and the sum of all reported cases is the basis for the federal payment.  Federal funds may be used by applicant jurisdictions for any lawful purpose.

Eligible county and state governments register and apply on-line through this Internet site.  As applications are approved, electronic payments are sent directly to each jurisdiction's bank account.  All electronic transactions and information are secure, using the latest Internet encryption technology.

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