BUYUSA.GOV -- U.S. Commercial Service

Boise, ID

Internship Opportunities


The U.S. Commercial Service is proud to be able to offer students Fall and Spring semester internship programs to gain invaluable practical business experience in the field of international trade. A keen ability to understand the international business environment and global geography is essential. Foreign travel, international studies, and multiple language capabilities add an important dimension to applicants. This office is highly automated with access to an international database, the Internet, and advanced telecommunication network. Numerous opportunities will be available to interact with local businesses.

International Trade Interns are chosen through a highly selective process. It is imperative that one is able to communicate in a professional environment, be enthusiastic, and willing to learn. Internships at the Boise U.S. Export Assistance Centers are one academic semester in length (i.e., three-to-four months) and are unpaid. All applicants must be U.S. citizens and continuing students.

Major Areas of Study:
All Business Majors, Economics, Political Science, Public Administration, Law, International Relations, Marketing, Foreign Language, Communications, Sociology, Geography and History.

For Employers:
The US Export Assistance Centers provide a strong internship program for college students. Interns have gained valuable, hands on experience such as coordinating detailed market research information, the development of trade seminars, assistance in client counseling, and networking capabilities. If interested in meeting with our qualified interns and receiving their resume for possible employment, please contact the Boise U.S. Export Assistance Center.

For additional information or to apply for an internship position, please contact Amy Benson at the Boise U.S. Export Assistance Center: (208)364-7791, or send your resume with cover letter (letter of interest) to