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Welcome to Mid-America ATTC
Serving Nebraska, Kansas,
Oklahoma, Missouri, and Arkansas

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Mid-America Addiction Technology Transfer Center is committed to a science-to-service agenda. Mid-America serves to foster collaboration across service systems, bridging the gap between current research and those working the front lines of addiction and mental health treatment.

At a time when resources are limited, Mid-America ATTC helps professionals and organizations manage their training resources by analyzing training needs, customizing programs, and assisting in the implementation of plans and the evaluation of results.    

What's New:


Psychotherapeutic Medications 2008


Download free copy:  Psychotherapeutic Medications 2008     

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Psychotherapeutic Medications 2008:  What Every Counselor Should Know was originally developed as a companion piece to the Mid-America ATTC systems change curriculum, A Collaborative Response: Addressing the Needs of Consumers with Co-Occurring Substance Use and Mental Health Disorders.   This booklet is an excellent reference document for clinicians, containing information on generic and brand names, the purpose of each medication, usual dose & frequency, emergency conditions and cautions.




   TIP 42 Inservice Manual  

 PowerPoint Slides:  Module 1  / Module 2 / Module 3A / Module 3B / Module 4A / Module 4B / Module 4C / Module 5A / Module B / Module 6A / Module 6B / Module 6C / Module 7A / Module 7B / Module 8A / Module 8B / Module 8C / Module 9









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