Each edition of Women’s Health USA contains the most current available data on health issues important to women. If no updated data are available, indicators may be replaced to make room for information on new indicators. For more information on these indicators, please reference previous editions of Women’s Health USA.

  • Women’s Health USA 2002
    • Life Expectancy
    • Lupus
    • Non-Medical Use of Prescription Drugs
    • Nursing Home Care Utilization
    • Unintended Pregnancies
    • U.S. Population Growth
  • Women’s Health USA 2003
    • Autoimmune Diseases
    • Bleeding Disorders
    • Home Health and Hospice Care
    • Title V Abstinence Education Programs
    • Title X Family Planning Services
    • Vitamin and Mineral Supplement Use
  • Women’s Health USA 2004
    • American Indian/Alaska Native Women
    • Complementary and Alternative
    • Medicine Use
    • Eating Disorders
    • Maternal Morbidity and Mortality
    • Services for Homeless Women
    • Women in NIH-Funded Clinical Research