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Peace Corps

About the Peace Corps
What is Peace Corps?

What Do Volunteers Do?

Where Do Volunteers Go?
Central America and Mexico
South America
Eastern Europe and Central Asia
North Africa and the Middle East
Pacific Islands

What's It Like to Volunteer?

How Do I Become a Volunteer?

Who Volunteers?

What are the Benefits?

What About Safety?

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Resources for
Current Applications
Family and Friends
Former Volunteers
Teachers and Students
Grad School
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Life is calling. How far will you go?

About the Peace Corps

Where Do Volunteers Go?
Asia / China / Work Areas

Currently, all Volunteers in China are engaged in English education. Volunteers in China are able to gain skills and experience teaching at the university level, learning to speak Chinese, and in further understanding the Chinese culture. In addition to teaching, many Volunteers are also involved in secondary projects such as building educational resource rooms, creating student newsletters, working with nongovernmental organizations, running student English camps, and more. Volunteers live and work on university campuses.

English Education and Resource Development

Volunteers teach English to students at teacher training colleges, work to improve the English language skills of their fellow faculty members, and develop resource materials.




A Closer Look
Country and Culture
Work Areas
Photo Gallery

Vital Statistics
Population Average
  1.3 billion
Program Dates
Number of Volunteers
Total Volunteers to Date
Languages Spoken
  Chinese (Mandarin)