2005-06 Strategic Agenda

See Initiatives and Working Groups for a complete list of WGA projects and initiatives.  Following are highlights from the 2007-08 Strategic Agenda.

Energy and Climate Change -- The Challenge of Our Times

Accelerating Energy Independence


Clean and Diversified Energy
Bring on-line 30,000 megawatts of new clean energy by 2015

Increase energy efficiency 20 percent by 2020

Develop adequate electricity transmission capacity for the region

Alternative Fuels
Promote the use of alternative transportation fuels to replace insecure imported oil used for transportation.

See related WGA Initiatives:

Clean and Diversified Energy

Forest Health

Biomass programs.


Clean and Diversified Energy
Promote development, testing and deployment of clean and diversified energy sources



Alternative Fuels
WGA's regional task force is developing a policy roadmap for alternative fuels in the West. This roadmap will:

  • describe the potential resources, technologies, and capabilities of the western states to develop alternative fuels and the policy measures needed to achieve this potential;
    • consider issues of sustainable feedstock development, optimal conversion technologies, and tradeoffs between the market value and the social value of potentially competing uses for the feedstocks;
    • consider cost and environmental impacts.
Addressing Climate Change

Reduce anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions in a manner that:

(1) is consistent with the findings of scientific research;
(2) will not significantly harm the United States economy; and
(3) will encourage comparable action by other nations that are major trading partners and key contributors to global emissions.

Coordinate international research on climate change.

Coordinate policies to respond to climate change


Reduce carbon
Advocate deployment of clean and diversified energy sources

Advance energy efficiency policies

Support regional carbon sequestration partnerships

Prepare for impacts
Support National Integrated Drought Information System

Coordinate air quality research

Support forest health activities

Identify changes need in water policies

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