About BPA Introduction Views of Dams Kids Learning Spillway and Walkway
To MAIN PAGE About BPA NW Hydro The Columbia River For Kids of all Ages Galleries If you live in the Pacific Northwest, some or all of your electricity probably comes from the Bonneville Power Administration (BPA), or is transmitted over BPA power lines. Your electric bill helps pay for BPA, which provides power at cost and funds public purposes such as fish and wildlife protection.

BPA is a federal agency that serves the 10 million people of the Pacific Northwest. It is part of the U. S. Department of Energy.
Images of Salmon Transformers
NEXT: What is BPA?

About BPA What Is BPA? | A History Of Service | Balancing River Uses | Power Revenues Pay BPA Costs | Enhancing A Renewable System | Fish and Wildlife Protection | Selling The Northwest's Federal Power | Transmission Lines Connect The Dots | The Future Is Yours | Back to mainpage BPA Logo