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Monday, April 3, 2006

Scientists observe solitary vibrations in uranium

Los Alamos scientists, working with collaborators from around the world, recently observed experimental evidence of solitary vibrations (solitons) in a solid. First observed as localized waves on the surface of water more than a century ago, the concept of solitons in solids was only theorized as possible two decades ago.

Valles Stories lecture series starts Tuesday at Bradbury Science Museum
The Bradbury Science Museum is hosting a series of lectures about recent research and the global importance of the Valles Caldera. This lecture series called “Valles Stories,” begins Tuesday.
Wellness Center classes help workers cope with change
The Wellness Center at Technical Area 3 is offering two class sessions designed to help Laboratory employees cope with change. The classes are free and take place in Room 106 at the Wellness Center (HSR-2).
Lab organizations receiving Quality New Mexico awards this week
Internal Assessments (AA-2) and Training Services (PS-13) are scheduled to receive 2005 Quality New Mexico Piñon awards at the organization's conference and banquet at the Sandia Resort and Casino this week.
Lab's small business newsletter now online
Small Business News Briefs, the newsletter of Los Alamos' Small Business Office (SUP-4), is now online.

Torsten Staab

Bird in the Hand
Tool streamlines acquisition of avian flu field-data

This hand held avian surveillance tool, developed by Torsten Staab of Chemical Diagnostics and Engineering, got the World Health Organization and National Institutes of Health very interested . . .


Currents, the Laboratory's monthly employee magazine, is now available online.

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