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Rebuilding Agriculture and Food Security in Iraq 

U.S. Humanitarian Assistance for the People of Iraq (Archived July 2003)

Bags of grain being loaded onto a ship (USDA photo).Since the end of combat operations in Iraq, the United States and the United Nations World Food Program (WFP) have moved swiftly to supply food to the Iraqi people.
  • The United States is utilizing the Bill Emerson Humanitarian Trust, Title II and Section 416(b) to provide U.S. food assistance to Iraq.  A total of 255,320 tons of wheat, flour, rice, soybean oil, nonfat dry milk and pulses began arriving in June and will be shipped through August.  In addition, to assist prior to the time that U.S. commodities could arrive, the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) provided $200 million to purchase an estimated 330,000 tons of commodities in the area and another $55 million to assist with transportation costs. The total value of U.S. food assistance to Iraq is $478 million.
  • The WFP is moving in as security improves and has appealed for and received 1.6 million tons of commodities to maintain food supplies in the coming months. Over six months beginning June 1, 2.76 million tons of food will be distributed to 27 million people across Iraq. Most of the food will be paid for from money still held for the oil-for-food program, and the rest will come from 30 donor countries. U.N. officials hope that when the six months are up, Iraqis will be able to obtain their food from the marketplace.
  • The lifting of UN Sanctions on May 22, 2003 extended he Oil-For-Food program for six months.

The United States is working in close partnership with international institutions and other nations as well as private voluntary organizations to ensure the rapid delivery of humanitarian relief for Iraq.  More critical than food availability has been the security of people and transportation.  Progress is being made.  Food ration deliveries, set up prior to the war und the Oil-For-Food program are again taking place.

The United States is committed to ensuring that there is minimal disruption to the Iraqi food distribution system. U.S. food donations will help ensure that the people of Iraq continue to have access to food.

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