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Success Stories

Ixil, Vicalama Authorities

Telling our Story

Every day, all over the world, USAID brings hope to those who suffer from violence, health to those who struggle with sickness, and support to those who live in poverty. It is these individuals – these uncounted millions of lives – that are the true measure of USAID’s success and the true face of America’s foreign assistance programs. The Telling our Story initiative seeks to document thse successes by spotlighting their lives.

Through anecdotes, photos and facts, USAID’s Telling Our Story creates a record of how the American people assist individuals, families, and communities. USAID overseas missions and their partners submit stories about their work online, which are then converted into ready-to-use publications and other online resources. The publications’ simple design and clear language make them versatile communications tools that share America’s successes wit ha global audience.

Please visit for Guatemala’s Telling Our Story collection.

Recent Success Stories that will be uploaded soon:

Un esfuerzo común en contra del estigma en cuatro países centroamericanos April 12, 2007
Antes y Después
Artesanos transforman botellas en piezas de arte para coleccionistas

April 12, 2007
Antiguos miembros de cuatro pandillas rivales producen un reality show en la televisión April 12, 2007
En Primera Persona
Jóvenes optan por alternativas a la violencia y al “dinero sucio”
Ex-pandillero obtiene una segunda oportunidad

April 12, 2007
Las bibliotecas escolares mejoran la lectura y alimentan la imaginación de los niños
Los Libros: Una invitación a la imaginación

April 12, 2007
Ampliando el acceso a la información sobre el espaciamiento de los nacimientos
Mejorando la Salud y el Bienestar de la Familia

April 12, 2007
Antes y Después
El juzgado ayuda a combatir la corrupción y proporciona servicios oportunos

April 12, 2007
Substituyendo opiniones con datos y análisis de la reforma educativa
Reforma de Políticas a Través de la Investigación

April 12, 2007
Estudio de Caso
Estableciendo parques municipales para preservar el patrimonio cultural y la biodiversidad

April 11, 2007
Agricultores aprenden cómo las estrategias de negocios generan ganancias
April 11, 2007
Photo and Caption
Activando los Planes de Emergencia en Comunidades Rurales

Feb. 21, 2007
Auxiliar de Enfermería Obstétrica Maya Salva Vidas Feb. 20, 2007
Primeros Frutos en Reducir Mortalidad entre Madres Feb. 19, 2007
Case Study
Desafío 100 – ¡Paz para Guatemala!

Feb. 19, 2007
First Person
Y no será mejor ser incluyente?

Feb. 19, 2007

The Rainforest Can Remain Forever March 21, 2007
Before and After
Delectable Vegetables Ticket Out of Poverty

Feb. 21, 2007
Before and After
Give an hour, save a youth’s future

Feb. 21, 2007
Case Study
Sustainable Youth Outreach Centers Protect Lives

Feb. 21, 2007
First Person
The Skills to Survive

Feb. 21, 2007
First Person
Who Volunteers at Youth Outreach Centers?

Feb. 21, 2007
First Person
Building Momentum for Inclusion

Feb. 19, 2007

First Person
Selvin Boanerges Garcia Velasquez

January 2007


Front Lines

Please visit FrontLines, the employee news publication of USAID. FrontLines features articles about the work that USAID is doing, and the people who are doing it. It is produced monthly and distributed electronically and in print to every employee and retiree, as well as some friends of USAID. USAID/Guatemala work is often highlighted.

USAID Frontlines
USAID Frontlines: December 2003, Mission of the Month
USAID FrontLines: January 2004
USAID Latin America and the Caribbean: Guatemala - Guatemala Featured in Frontlines as Mission of the Month
USAID Latin America and the Caribbean: Guatemala - At-Risk Women in Guatemala Seek New Options
USAID Latin America and the Caribbean: Guatemala - Guatemalan Quality Coffee Growers
USAID FrontLines: November 2005 - Index: Mudslides Hit Guatemala
USAID FrontLines: November 2005 - Dialogue: Mission of the Month
USAID FrontLines: November 2005 - The Pillars: Guatemalan Weavers Find New Markets
USAID FrontLines: February 2006 - The Regions: Guatemalan Government Gets Help to Stamp Out Corruption
USAID FrontLines: March 2006 - New Feature: Ten Young Former Gangsters Start Businesses on Guatemala Reality Show

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1a. Calle 7-66, Zona 9, Edificio Plaza Uno, Guatemala 01009, C.A. Tel: (502) 2422-4000 Fax: (502) 2422-4585