September is National Preparedness Month.  Get a Kit, Make a Plan, Be Informed and Get Involved.Photo of young girl in front of family.

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National Preparedness Month Tips of the Day

There are a few simple steps you and your family can take to become better prepared for an emergency: Get a Kit, Make a Plan, Be Informed and Get Involved. This September, during National Preparedness Month, please follow these "Tips of the Day" from the American Red Cross and the U.S. Department of Homeland Security to help you and your family get started today!

9/23 Tip Of The Day - Know how to turn off utilities

Learn how and when to turn off utilities

In some emergencies you may be required to turn off your utilities. To prepare for this type of event:

  • Locate the electric, gas and water shut-off valves.
  • Keep necessary tools near gas and water shut-off valves.
  • Teach adult family members how to turn off utilities.

If you turn off the gas, a professional must turn it back on. Do not attempt to do this yourself. Department of Homeland Security