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AM Broadcast Radio Stations

AM stands for "Amplitude Modulation", which refers to the means of encoding the audio signal on the carrier frequency. In many countries, AM radio stations are known as "mediumwave" (MW) stations. AM stations are also sometimes referred to as "standard broadcast stations", since AM was the was the first form used to transmit broadcast radio signals to the public.

  • AM Query -- Technical information about radio stations (such as power or whether station is directional)
  • Agreements with Canada related to broadcasting.
  • Agreements with Mexico related to broadcasting.
  • AM Stereo. Short notes on AM Stereo.
  • Antenna Structure Registration -- ASRS Registration, ASRS Query, TOWAIR
  • Anti-Drug Abuse Act Certification must accompany all requests for Special Temporary Authority (STA). Failure to provide this certification may result in processing delays.
  • Application Status Reports for AM and FM applications
  • Auction Procedures for New and Major Change Construction Permit Applications
  • Call Sign Reservation and Authorization System
  • CDBS (Consolidated DataBase System) Query for broadcast stations
  • Circular Plots on Tiger Census Maps. This program can be used to show on a map the area within 3.2 km (2 miles) of an AM transmitter site, within which tall structures may have an effect on an AM station's emissions (see 47 CFR 73.1692) Use the AM Query to locate stations first. This program can also be used to find acceptable locations for the main studio (see 47 CFR 73.1125).
  • Classes of AM Stations
  • Community of License Minor Change Applications filed pursuant to the new streamlined procedures adopted by the Commission in Revision of Procedures Governing Amendments to FM Table of Allotments and Changes of Community of License in the Radio Broadcast Services, Report and Order (R&O), MB Docket 05-210, FCC 06-163, released November 29, 2006. [ PDF | Word ]. [ AM List | FM List ].
  • Coordinates
  • NADCON -- NAD83 to/from NAD27 via the Internet, courtesy of the National Geodetic Survey
  • NADCON NAD27 -- NAD83 Conversion Program Available from National Geodetic Survey (NOAA) -- Please begin by reading the "readme" file, which explains the program.
  • Construction Permit Information Sheets are sent along with the granted construction permit to new AM and FM stations and modified AM and FM stations.
  • Consummation of Assignments or Transfers -- Licensees and permittees must provide notification to the Commission of the consummation of an assignment or transfer.
  • Critical Hours computations -- Section 73.187 applies to Class B or Class D AM broadcast stations against Class A AM stations.
  • Cutoff Lists for AM, FM Noncommercial Educational, and FM Translator and Booster Applications. Cutoff lists are no longer being issued for AM station new or major change applications.
  • Databases from the Media Bureau available for download.
  • Daytime-Only AM Stations -- New daytime-only AM stations will not be authorized by the Commission. AM daytime-only authorizations for new stations were discontinued on December 1, 1987. See Unlimited Time Operation by Existing AM Daytime-Only Radio Broadcast Stations, Discontinuance of Authorization of Additional Daytime-Only Stations, Minimum Power of Class III Stations, Report and Order), 2 FCC Rcd 7113, 52 Fed. Reg. 48268 (1987).
  • Defective AM Applications -- Public Notice, Commission States Future Policy on Incomplete and Patently Defective AM and FM Construction Permit Applications, 47 CFR 73.4015, 55 RR 2d 776 (1984). Because of subsequent rules and procedures changes, this 1984 policy statement presently applies only to AM applications and FM noncommercial educational applications.
  • Digital AM and FM Radio (IBOC)
    • List of stations authorized for "hybrid" operation (analog + digital signals), [ AM | FM ]

  • Directional Antennas for AM stations (documents pertaining to)
  • Documents -- Engineering and Legal documents pertaining to radio, of historical and topical interest, as collected by the Audio Division. A Subject List is available to show the various subject areas. The lists are updated as needed.
  • Early AM Radio -- Documents
  • Donor Acknowledgements, Enhanced Underwriting, and Program Related Materials -- Noncommercial Educational Stations only
  • Electromagnetic Interference (EMI) to FAA Installations -- Public Notice, released 4/16/1991.
  • Expanded AM Band (1610 to 1700 kHz) Applications for new AM stations in the expanded band are not being accepted at this time.
  • "FAA Flight Service Station Reporting Service Requirements for Tower Light Outages", DA 00-580, released March 16, 2000. [ PDF | MS Word 97 | Text ]. Tower light outages and restoration of tower lighting must be recorded in the station's log, in addition to the date, time, and the Flight Service Station (FSS) notified of the lighting outage.
  • Facility ID Number for Broadcast Stations -- A unique number has been assigned to each AM, FM,, LPFM, TV, LPTV, translator, and booster station. This number is being employed to provide an unvarying reference between various databases at the Commission, and to minimize discrepancies caused by call sign or facilities changes. The Facility ID Number for a broadcast station may be determined by using CDBS. We encourage the use of this number, along with the station call sign and file number if appropriate, on the cover page of all documents pertaining to particular broadcast stations submitted to the FCC.
  • Filing Fees and Regulatory Fees -- Fees are applicable to commercial applicants only.
  • Forms
  • Ground Conductivity in the United States (M3 Map) -- A Wall Map
  • Ground System Correction Factors for AM Nondirectional Stations
  • Groundwave Field Strength Graphs 1 - 20, 540 to 1700 kHz (Section 47 CFR 73.184)
  • How To Apply For A Broadcast Station -- General information
  • Inspections of Radio Installations -- Fact Sheet, from the Enforcement Bureau
  • Inverse Distance Field Calculations for AM Stations -- Figure 8, Section 73.190
  • Localism in broadcasting (Localism Task Force)

  • Loop Antennas can improve AM radio reception, by increasing the received signal presented to the radio antenna, and by reducing interfering stations' received signal strengths. These can be commercially purchased or made inexpensively at home. Search for MW loop antenna or mediumwave loop antenna in your favorite Internet search engine to see the possibilities.
  • Low Power AM and FM Broadcast Radio Stations
  • Mailing Addresses for Broadcast Stations -- Call sign only is required for access.
  • Minor Change Definition and Procedures Revised for AM Applications -- First Report and Order (Adobe PDF format) in MM Docket 98-93, FCC 99-55, 64 FR 19498, released March 30, 1999. First Come / First Served processing adopted for AM, FM noncommercial educational, and FM translator minor change applications. The definition of what constitutes a minor change AM application was greatly expanded.
  • Main Studio and Public Inspection File Requirements have been revised. See the Memorandum Opinion and Order in MM Docket 97-138, FCC 99-118, released May 28, 1999 [ Word Perfect 5.1 | Text ] and the earlier Report and Order, MM Docket 97-138, FCC 98-175, released August 11, 1998 [ Word Perfect 5.1 | Text ]
  • Numbers of Radio and TV Broadcast Stations in the USA
  • "Quiet Spots" Between Stations on the Dial
  • Radiofrequency Exposure information. Broadcasters are required to comply with the Commission's radiofrequency exposure limits, in coordination with other RF users at the site.
  • Radio Tools -- A small popup screen allows quick access to programs and most-requested information.
  • Remote Control Applications on Form 301-A are not longer required for AM directional or nondirectional stations. See the Report and Order in MM Docket 94-130, 10 FCC Rcd 11479 (1995) [ Word Perfect 5.1 | Text ]. A letter notifying the Commission of the location and telephone number of the remote control point (also called transmission system control point) must be sent to the Audio Division, Mail Stop 1800B2, FCC, Washington, D.C. 20554 within 3 days of the initial use of that point. Notification is not required if personnel can be contacted at the main studio site or at the transmitter site during all hours of operation. See 47 CFR Section 73.1350(g) and Question 8 of Unattended Operation of Radio and Television Broadcast Stations.
  • Renewal of License Applications for Radio Broadcast Stations -- All radio broadcast station licenses will expire between 2003 and 2006. Licensees must file a license renewal application (FCC Form 303-S) and the Broadcast Equal Employment Opportunity Program Statement (FCC Form 396) four months before the expiration date of the station's license. This page provides information about the license renewal process for radio broadcast stations.

  • Rules and Regulations from the Code of Federal Regulations, which is compiled by the Government Printing Office
  • Sampling Systems
  • Self-Inspection Checklist for AM Broadcast Stations
  • Silent AM and FM Broadcast Station Lists

  • Special Temporary Authority for licensed broadcast radio stations.
  • Sunrise / Sunset Calculations indicate when a daytime-only AM station must cease operation for the night, or when an AM station with separate sunrise and sunset operations or presunrise or postsunset authority must change its operating mode.
  • "The Public and Broadcasting" (revised May 2008) provides a brief non-technical overview of the FCC's regulation of broadcast radio and television. This manual is REQUIRED to be in each station's local public inspection file, per 47 CFR 73.3526 and .
  • Travelers' Information Stations (TIS), which operate on the AM band, are handled by the Land Mobile Branch of the Public Safety and Homeland Security Bureau.
  • Unattended Operation of Broadcast Stations, Report and Order, MM Docket 94-130, 10 FCC Rcd 11479, released 10/23/1995 [ PDF | 
  • Questions and Answers About Unattended Operation of Broadcast Stations, Fact Sheet, September,1997.
  • Wavelength Calculations for Frequencies up to 30,000 kHz (30 MHz) -- a Fortran Post method CGI
  • Why AM Radio Stations Must Reduce Power, Change Operations, or Cease Operations at Night

    If you did not find what you are looking for here, please continue on to our Information Outside the Audio Division page, or try the Audio Division Home Page.

 or Comments: Your Comments and Questions Are Valuable To Us! Please provide suggestions, comments, and corrections for this page or other Audio Division pages to Dale Bickel (dale.bickel@fcc.gov). Questions may be referred to the Audio Division. The main telephone number for the Audio Division is (202)- 418 - 2700. Thank you for your input!

    This page is located at http://www.fcc.gov/mb/audio/main/am.html

    Please send comments via standard mail to the Federal Communications Commission, Consumer and Governmental Affairs Bureau, 445 12th Street, S.W., Washington, D.C., 20554. Questions can also be answered by calling the FCC's National Call Center, toll free, at 1-888-Call FCC (1-888-225-5322).

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