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Radio Information from Outside the Audio Division

This document contains radio-broadcasting-related information available from a variety of sources outside the Audio Division, both from within the FCC and outside of it. This page is not intended to be exhaustive.

Links Within the FCC

  • About the FCC

  • Broadcast Auxiliary Facilities, including Studio-to-Transmitter Links (STL) and Remote Pickup Units (RPU), are handled by the Commission's Wireless Telecommunications Bureau's Microwave Branch in Gettysburg, PA.
  • Cable Retransmission of Radio Broadcast Stations -- A short paragraph on this subject is located under the heading "Radio Programming". See also the text file News Release dated February 22, 1994 and the Fact Sheet Carriage of Broadcast Stations.
  • Contests, Licensee Conducted
  • Coverage Maps and Statements About Coverage from Stations -- Policy Statement. 94 FCC 2d 619 (1983).
  • Court Opinions as compiled by the FCC's Office of General Counsel
  • Digital Audio Radio by Satellite (DARS):
  • Digital Television is administered by the Media Bureau's Video Division
  • Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) information, from the Media Bureau's Policy Division [ Telephone: (202) - 418 - 1450.]
  • Emergency Alert System (EAS) is administered by the Public Safety and Homeland Security Bureau.
  • Ex Parte Rules, from the FCC's Office of General Counsel
  • Fortran CGI Examples -- COLORIT, AMwave, and Doppler Shift.
  • Free Speech vs. Right to Broadcast. Not a court case, but an explanation.
  • Internet Broadcasts or "Webcasting" -- The FCC does not regulate "broadcast" stations established solely on the Internet or World Wide Web. No authorization is needed to start a "radio" station on the Internet.
  • Minority Ownership -- The FCC does not keep records on the number of stations or a list of which broadcast stations are minority owned or operated, or of broadcast formats of interest to minorities.
  • Obscene or Indecent Broadcasts
    • "Industry Guidance on the Commission's Case Law Interpreting 18 U.S.C. § 1464 and Enforcement Policies Regarding Broadcast Indecency", Policy Statement, FCC 01-90, released April 6, 2001. [ PDF | Word | Text ].
  • Media Bureau's Home Page

  • Part 15 Devices, which include some very low power devices which do not require a license to operate in the AM and FM broadcast bands, are administered by the FCC's Office of Engineering and Technology. See also OET Bulletin No. 63, "Understanding the FCC Regulations for Low Power, Non-Licensed Transmitters"
  • Personal Radio Services, which include Citizens Band (CB), Radio Control, and General Mobile Radio Service, are administered by the Wireless Telecommunications Bureau.
  • Policy Division of the Media Bureau
  • Political Programming questions are handled by the Media Bureau's Policy Division at (202)-418-1440.
  • Programming Formats -- The FCC does not keep records on what format of programming is aired on radio broadcast stations, nor records about specific programs. (See "Entertainment Formats", 60 FCC 2d 858, for an explanation of this policy (scanned document)). There are commercial ratings services that compile this information.
  • Radio Operators' Licenses are issued by the Wireless Telecommunications Bureau. However, DJs and other persons operating a licensed broadcast station are no longer required to have an operator's license. (Report and Order, MM Docket 94-130, 10 FCC Rcd 11479 (1995) [ Word Perfect 5.1 | Text ].) The broadcast licensee continues to be responsible for proper operation of the station.
  • Radiofrequency (RF or RFR) Exposure Safety Information is the responsibility of the Office of Engineering and Technology.
    • OET Bulletin No. 56, "Questions and Answers About the Biological Effects and Potential Hazards of Radiofrequency Radiation"
    • OET Bulletin No. 65, "Evaluating Compliance With FCC-Specified Guidelines for Human Exposure to Radiofrequency Radiation". Updated as of August 1997.
    • "Guidelines for Evaluating the Environmental Effects of Radiofrequency Radiation", Second Memorandum Opinion and Order and NPRM, ET Docket 92-62, FCC 97-303, released August 25, 1997 [ Word Perfect 5.1 | Text ].
    • FM Model computer software from OET, used to predict the downward radiation from FM antennas
    • NSMA Antenna Pattern Plotter contains digitized antenna patterns for some FM and TV antennas.

  • Radio Tools -- A small popup screen allows quick access to programs and most-requested information.
  • Ratings Distortions by Stations -- Policy Statement. 94 FCC 2d 619 (1983).
  • Radio Reading Services for the blind or the visually impaired are not regulated by the Commission. These services are typically transmitted on an FM subcarrier. This Policy Statement from the Commission covers reimbursement of expenses to FM noncommercial educational stations from Radio Reading Services for use of the subcarrier.
  • Reference Coordinates for U.S.A. Communities
  • Religious Broadcasting -- The FCC cannot prevent or exclude religious broadcasting or religious organizations' ownership of radio stations. A petition requesting the FCC to do so was denied in 1975 (54 FCC 2d 941). Excerpts from that proceeding are located here.
  • Shortwave Broadcasting, International Broadcasting, or High Frequency Broadcasting in the USA is administered by the Commission's International Bureau.
  • Spectrum Chart Information, from the Office of Engineering and Technology.
  • Travellers Information Stations (TIS), which broadcast on the AM band, are handled by the Wireless Telecommunications Bureau. These stations are sometimes referred to as Highway Advisory Radio stations.
  • Tunnel Radio Systems are administered by the FCC's Office of Engineering and Technology. See also 47 CFR Section 15.211.
  • TV Station Query -- Technical information about individual TV stations (such as effective radiated power, coordinates)
  • Telephone Conversations, Broadcast of (47 CFR 73.1206)
  • .

  • Television application processing is handled by the Video Division.
  • Wireless Telecommunications Bureau

  • Links to Sites Outside the FCC -- The following sites may be useful to the reader. Neither the ASD nor the FCC is responsible for the content at these sites, nor does the FCC recommend or endorse any product or service which may be accessable from these or other sites.

  • Armed Forces Radio and Television Service (AFRTS).
  • Broadcast Net -- Broadcast-related information, products, and services.
  • Court Opinions



    This page is located at http://www.fcc.gov/mb/audio/main/related.html

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