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Graffiti continues to be a source of frustration and concern for the residents of Albuquerque. Graffiti vandals costs our community tens of thousands of dollars in removal and clean up each year. The City of Albuquerque and the Albuquerque Police Department is committed to apprehending and prosecuting the offenders as well as helping to remove this unsightly destruction of property. The police cannot address this problem alone. With the assistance of all concerned citizens we can enhance the image and esthetic value of our beautiful city.

What can you do to help?

  • Report all graffiti vandalism in public areas to the Solid Waste Management Department, Graffiti Hotline at 768-4725.
  • Report known vandals to Crime Stoppers at 843-STOP or your local Area Command.
  • If you suspect gang markings, contact your local Area Command or the APD Gang Unit and take a picture prior to removing.
  • Remove all graffiti markings within 24 hours of observation. If the markings appear the next day – remove them promptly.
  • Clean up often has to be done again and again, but be patient and more persistent than the vandals, they will eventually move to another location.
  • Advise property owners of their individual responsibilities to remove graffiti in a timely manner, especially if they appear to be unresponsive to the problem.
  • Ask utility/power companies to remove graffiti from their property and equipment.
  • Ask local hardware stores (or any store that sells spray paint) not to sell spray paint to minors. Request they place spray paint and paint markers in areas where employees can monitor sales and shoplifting. (Note: City Ordinance 12-4-15 states, “No person other than a parent, guardian or other adult person acting in their place shall sell or otherwise provide aerosol spray paint to any person under the 18 years of age and no person under the age of 18 years shall buy or attempt to buy any aerosol spray paint.” Further, any establishment that sells spray paint must, by Ordinance, display specific signage that announces and describes this provision. Also, proof of age is required prior to any sale.
  • Coat surfaces with special paint products that prohibit spray paint from sticking.
  • Organize a community clean up. This type of activity is a great way to foster positive community involvement and will help to improve the value and image or your neighborhood.

Remember—whether committed by gang members or taggers, the presence of graffiti in a neighborhood can increase residents' fears about their safety and even reduce property values. Its presence can also signify to criminals that residents don't care about their neighborhood. With patience and persistence we can clean up Albuquerque together.

APD Crime Prevention 924-3600

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