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Secure Document Respository (SDR)

The Secure Document Repository (SDR) is a Web application that provides secure access to documents from any computer that has a connection to the Internet. If you are using a Windows PC, you do not need to install any software to use the SDR. Just contact your SDR Administrator to set up an account. In PMEL, contact Joe Sirott or epic@noaa.gov.

  • On your PC: The SDR file folders and documents appear on your Windows or MAC OS X or Linux/Unix computer just like any other file folders or documents.
  • From the Web: You can access the SDR folders and files from anywhere with a web browser. It the web browser is Internet Explorer, then then they appear just like any other folder or file.
  • Access Permissions: You can set the access permissions on SDR folders and files for groups or individuals to be whatever you want, so the file folders and documents appear as local folders and documents for them too.
  • You can use applications like Word or PowerPoint to create, modify, or retrieve documents stored in the SDR
  • User accounts are established by your local SDR system administrator. Once your accounts are established, Using the SDR shows how to do the one-time setup. and Administering the SDR shows how to manage your own account and permissions.
  • There are also directions for SDR System Administrators.
  • The screen snapshots below show how the SDR will appear on your desktop.

SDR Help and Information

Illustrations of SDR usage

SDR seen as local folders and files on a Windows PC


SDR seen with a web browser

If you have any questions about the SDR, please send mail to Joe Sirott or epic@noaa.gov.