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ATP Economic Studies, Survey Results, Reports and Working Papers

2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2004 | 2003 | 2002 | 2001 | 2000 | 1999 | 1998 | 1997 | 1996 | 1993

Listed below are factsheets, economic studies, survey results, and special reports produced and/or sponsored by ATP's Economic Assessment Office. If you would like a paper copy of a publication, please contact Ann Marie King at (301) 975-3104.

Year Type Title
  Special Report Ian MacMillan, Edward Roberts, Val Livada, and Andrew Wang, Corporate Venture Capital (CVC):  Seeking Innovation and Strategic Growth, GCR 08-916, June 2008.
  Technical Report Schen, Michael, Lorel Wisniewski, Stephanie Shipp, and Frank Barros (Editors), Grinspon, Carlos, Thomas Lettieri, David Swanson, Barbara Cuthill, Purabi Mazumdar, and Eric Samuleson (Contributors), Technologies for Advanced Imaging Systems: A Historical Review of ATP Funded Innovation, September 2007.
  Economic Survey Kerwin, Jeffrey and Stephen Campbell, Findings from the Advanced Technology Program's Survey of ATP Applicants 2004, GCR 07-908, July 2007.
TO ORDER:  NTIS Order Number:  PB2007111377
  Case Study Pelsoci, Thomas M., Measuring Societal Benefits of R&D; Case Study Performance Metrics (pages 17-28), Plattform/fteval, No. 30, June 2007.
  Economic Study Auerswald, Philip, Lewis Branscomb, Sean Gorman, Rajendra Kulkarni, and Laurie Schintler, Placing Innovation: A Geographical Information Systems (GIS) Approach to Identifying Emergent Technological Activity, GCR 06-902, May 2007.
  Biennial Report Measuring ATP Impact: 2006 Report on Economic Progress, GCR 06-899, March 2007.
TO ORDER:  NTIS Order Number:  PB2007100071
  Case Study Pelsoci, Thomas, ATP-Funded Green Process Technologies: Improving U.S. Industrial Competitiveness with Applications in Packaging, Metals Recycling, Energy, and Water Treatment, GCR 06-897, February 2007.
TO ORDER:  NTIS Order Number:  PB2007108512
  Case Study O'Connor, Rowe, Gallaher, Sevinsky, and Wood, Economic Impact of ATP's Contributions to DNA Diagnostics Technologies, GCR 06-898, January 2007.
TO ORDER:  NTIS Order Number:  PB2007108540
  Technical Report Bartholomew, Richard, Amit Bagchi, and Stephen Campbell, Enhancing America's Manufacturing Competitiveness: A Review of the NIST Advanced Technology Program's Investment in Manufacturing Technologies, January 2007.
  Technical Report Bischoff, Douglas, Mrunal Chapekar, Barbara Cuthill, Michael Schen, Linda Beth Schilling, and Michael Walsh, A Summary of ATP-Funded Innovations for America's Aging Population, January 2007.
  Economic Study Watkins Todd A., Theodore W. Schile, Direct and Spillover Effects of ATP-Funded Photonics Technologies, GCR 06-893, December 2006.
TO ORDER:  NTIS Order Number:  PB2007112627
  Economic Study Brodd, Factors Affecting U.S. Production Decisions: Why Are There No Volume Lithium-Ion Battery Manufacturers in the United States?, GCR 06-903, December 2006.
TO ORDER:  NTIS Order Number:  PB2006109119
  Case Study The Network-Centric Innovation Imperative: How Manufacturers Work With Their Suppliers to Develop New Products, National Council for Advanced Manufacturing, Fall 2006.
  Technical Report COMPETING FOR THE FUTURE: Unlocking Small Wonders for Tomorrow's Nan*/oelectronic Uses, October 2006.
TO ORDER:  NTIS Order Number:  PB2007-103596
  Economic Study Fogarty, Michael S., Amit K. Sinha, and Adam B. Jaffee, ATP and the U.S. Innovation System: A Methodology for Identifying Enabling R&D Spillover Networks, NIST GCR 06-895, October 2006.
TO ORDER:  NTIS Order Number:  PB2007-103583
  Status Report Performance of Third 50 Completed ATP Projects: Status Report - Number 4, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C, September 2006. TO ORDER:  NTIS Order Number:  PB2007112629
  Case Study Petrick, Irene J., Ann E. Echols, Susan Mohammed, and Jesse Hedge, Sustainable Collaboration: A Study of the Dynamics of Consortia, GCR 06-888, August 2006.
TO ORDER:  NTIS Order Number:  PB2007103582
  Case Study Dyer, Jeffrey H., Benjamin C. Powell, Mariko Sakakibara, and Andrew J. Wang, Determinants of Success in R&D Alliances, NISTIR 7323, August 2006.
TO ORDER:  NTIS Order Number:  PB2007103586
  Survey O'Brien, Jennifer, Andrew Wang, Stephanie Shipp, and Kathleen McTigue, Findings from the Advanced Technology Program's Survey of Joint Ventures, NIST GCR 06-889, July 2006.
TO ORDER:  NTIS Order Number:  PB2007-100665
  Case Study Powell, Jeanne, Toward a Standard Benefit-Cost Methodology for Publicly Funded Science and Technology Programs, NISTIR 7319, June 2006.
TO ORDER:  NTIS Order Number:  PB2007-103585
  Technical Report Mazumdar, Purabi and David Swanson, COMPETING FOR THE FUTURE: A Historical Review of NIST ATP Investments in Semiconductor and Micro/Nano-Electronics, June 2006.
TO ORDER:  NTIS Order Number:  PB2007103595
  Technical Report White, Grady S. and Kris A. Bertness, Trends and Opportunities in Photonics Technologies: Solid-State Lighting and Healthcare, NISTIR 7305, May 2006.
  Technical Report COMPETING FOR THE FUTURE: A Historical Review of NIST ATP Investments in Photonics and Optical Technologies, May 2006.
TO ORDER:  NTIS Order Number:  PB2007-103591
  Technical Report FEDERAL FUNDING FOR TECHNOLOGICAL REVOLUTIONS: Biotechnology and Healthcare Highlights, April 2006.
  Case Study Ruegg, Rosalie, Bridging from Project Case Study to Portfolio Analysis in a Public R&D Program: A Framework for Evaluation and Introduction to a Composite Performance Rating System, NIST GCR 06-891, April 2006.
TO ORDER:  NTIS Order Number: PB2007-103580
  Economic Study Nail, John and Hayden Brown, Identify Technology Flows and Spillovers Through NAICS Coding of ATP Project Participants, NISTIR 7280, April 2006.
TO ORDER:  NTIS Order Number:  PB2007-103581
  Status Report Performance of Second 50 Completed ATP Projects: Status Report - Number 3, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C, January 2006.
TO ORDER:  NTIS Order Number:  PB2007100661
  Case Study Pelsoci, Thomas M., Photonics Technologies:  Applications in Petroleum Refining, Building Controls, Emergency Medicine, and Industrial Materials Analysis, Economic Analysis of a Cluster of ATP-Funded Projects, NIST GCR 05-879, September 2005.
  Policy Analysis Auerswald, Philip E., Lewis M. Branscomb, Nicholas Demos, and Brian K. Min, Understanding Private-Sector Decision Making for Early-Stage Technology Development, A “Between Invention and Innovation Project” Report, NIST GCR 02–841A, September 2005.
TO ORDER:  NTIS Order Number:  PB2006109090
  Case Study Spivack, Richard and Nicholas Vonortas, Advanced Technology Program Information Infrastructure for Healthcare: Case Studies from a Focused Program, Technovation, August 2005.
  Survey Survey of ATP Applicants 2002, Portfolio of Survey Factsheets, GCR 05-876, June 2005.
TO ORDER:  NTIS Order Number:  PB2007-100663
  Economic Study Shipp, Stephanie, Connie Chang and Lorel Wisniewski, Evaluation Best Practices and Results: The Advanced Technology Program, NISTIR 05-7174, May 2005.
  Economic Study Nail, John M., Gary Anderson, Gerald Ceasar and Christopher Hansen, The Role of the U.S. National Innovation System in the Development of the  PEM Stationary Fuel Cell, NISTIR 7161, February 2005.
  Survey Kerwin, Jeffrey, Andrew Wang and Stephen Campbell, Customer Satisfaction Findings from the Advanced Technology Program's Survey of ATP Applicants 2002, Gaithersburg, MD, February 2005.
TO ORDER:  NTIS Order Number:  PB2007108511
  Case Study Link, Albert N. and John T. Scott, Evaluation of ATP's Intramural Research Awards Program, NIST GCR 04-866, Gaithersburg, MD, December 2004.
TO ORDER:  NTIS Order Number:  PB2007108518
  Biennial Report Measuring ATP Impact:  2004 Report on Economic Progress, September 2004.
TO ORDER:  NTIS Order Number:  PB2006-101677
  Working Paper Catalyzing the Genomics Revolution: ATP's Tools for DNA Diagnostics Focused Program, ATP Working Paper Series, Working Paper 04-01, August 2004.
  Case Study Karen R. Polenske,Nicolas O. Rockler, and Other Members of the Research Team, Closing the Competitive Gap: A Retrospective Analysis of the ATP 2mm Project, NIST GCR 03–856, Gaithersburg, MD, July 2004.
TO ORDER:  NTIS Order Number:  PB2007108510
  Case Study Pelsoci, Thomas M., Composites Manufacturing Technologies: Applications in Automotive, Petroleum, and Civil Infrastructure Industries, Gaithersburg, MD, June 2004.
  Foreign Findings Chang, Connie, ATP Eligibility Criteria for U.S. Subsidiaries of Foreign-Owned Companies: Legislation, Implementation, and Results, NISTIR-6099, Gaithersburg, MD, March 2004.
TO ORDER:  NTIS Order Number:  PB2006-109100
  Special Report Spivack, Richard, Innovation, Demand and Investment in Telehealth, with Karen Cummings and David Brantley. A special report prepared for the U. S. Department of Commerce, Technology Administration, February 2004.
  Case Study White, William J. and Alan O’Connor, Economic Impact of the Advanced Technology Program's HDTV Joint Venture, NIST GCR 03-859, Gaithersburg, MD,  January 2004.
TO ORDER:  NTIS Order Number:  PB2006-109091
  Case Study Spivack, Richard, Innovation in Telehealth and A Role for the Government, The Future of Health Technology, ed. Renata Bushko, IOS Press, Washington, DC, Vol. 2, 2004
  Tool Kit Ruegg, Rosalie and Irwin Feller, A Toolkit for Evaluating Public R&D Investment Models, Methods, and Findings from ATP's First Decade, Gaithersburg, MD, July 2003.
  Survey Westat, Survey of ATP Applicants 2000, Portfolio of Survey Factsheets, Gaithersburg, MD, June 2003.
TO ORDER:  NTIS Order Number:  PB2007-100664
  Case Study Brown, Hayden and Mark Ehlen, Technology Adoption Indicators Applied to the ATP Flow-Control Machining Project, NISTIR 6888, May 2003.
TO ORDER:  NTIS Order Number:  PB2002-107669
  Economic Study Popkin, Joel, Inter-Industry Diffusion of Technology That Results From ATP Projects:  :Preliminary Research of the Potential Impacts of ATP Funding, NIST GCR03-848, Gaithersburg, MD, April 2003.
TO ORDER:  NTIS Order Number:  PB2007-105391
  Case Study

Pelsoci, Thomas M., Low-Cost Manufacturing Process Technology for Amorphous Silicon Detectors: Applications in Digital Mammography and Radiography:  Prospective Economic Case Study for an ATP-Funded Project, NIST GCR 03-844, February 2003.
TO ORDER:  NTIS Order Number:  PB2007-105382

  Economic Study Zucker, Darby and Andrew Wang, Program Design and Firm Success in the Advanced Technology Program: Project Structure and Innovation Outcomes, NISTIR 6943, Gaithersburg, MD, December 2002.
TO ORDER:  NTIS Order Number:  PB2003-102906
  Economic Study

Sakakibara, Mariko and Lee Branstetter, Measuring the Impact of ATP-Funded Research Consortia on Research Productivity of Participating Firms: A Framework Using Both U.S. and Japanese Data, NIST GCR 02-830, Gaithersburg, MD, December 2002.

  Case Study White, William J. and Michael P. Gallaher, Benefits and Costs of ATP Investments in Component-Based Software, GCR 02-834, Gaithersburg, MD, November 2002.
TO ORDER:  NTIS Order Number:  PB2007-105390
  Policy Analysis

Branscomb, Lewis M.and Philip E. Auerswald, Between Invention and Innovation: An Analysis of Funding for Early-Stage Technology Development, NIST GCR 02-841, Gaithersburg, MD, November 2002.
TO ORDER:  NTIS Order Number:  PB 2007-100662


Powell, Jeanne and Francisco Moris, Different Timelines for Different Technologies: Evidence from the Advanced Technology Program, NISTIR 6917, Gaithersburg, MD, November 2002.
TO ORDER:  NTIS Order Number:  PB2003-101601

  Economic Report

Hall, Bronwyn H., Albert N. Link and John T. Scott, Universities as Research Partners, NIST GCR 02-829, Gaithersburg, MD, June 2002.
TO ORDER:  NTIS Order Number:  PB2003-102755

  Guide King, Rick, The Art of Telling Your Story, Morrisville, NC, April 2002.
TO ORDER:  NTIS Order Number:  PB2002106896
  Report The Advanced Technology Program:  Reform With a Purpose, Office of the Secretary, U.S. Department of Commerce, Washington, D.C., February 2002.
  Case Study Spivack, Richard, Advanced Technology Program Information Infrastructure for Healthcare Focused Program, The Future of Health Technology, ed. Renata Bushko, IOS Press, Washington, DC, Vol. 1, 2002
  Status Report Performance of First 50 Completed ATP Projects: Status Report - Number 2, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C., December 2001.
TO ORDER:  NTIS Order Number:  PB2002-101826
  Case Study

Dyer, Jeffrey H. and Benjamin C.Powell, Determinants of Success in ATP-Funded R&D Joint Ventures: A Preliminary Analysis Based on 18 Automobile Manufacturing Projects, GCR 00-803, Gaithersburg, MD, December 2001.
TO ORDER:  NTIS Order Number:  PB2003-102756

  Case Study Pelsoci, Thomas M., Closed-Cycle Air Refrigeration Technology for Cross-Cutting Applications in Food Processing, Volatile Organic Compound Recovery, and Liquid Natural Gas Industries, GCR 01-819, Gaithersburg, MD, December 2001.
TO ORDER:  NTIS Order Number:  PB2003-102757
  Conference Proceesings Papers and Proceedings of the Advanced Technology Program's International Conference on the Economic Evaluation of Technological Change, Georgetown University Conference Center, Washington, DC, June 15-16, 1998, Richard Spivack, Editor, NIST SP-952, Gaithersburg, MD, July 2001.
TO ORDER:  NTIS Order Number:  PB2000105548
  Economic Study

Feldman, Mary P. and Maryellen R. Kelley, Winning an Award from the Advanced Technology Program: Pursuing R&D Strategies in the Public Interest and Benefiting from a Halo Effect, NISTIR 6577, Gaithersburg, MD, March 2001.
TO ORDER:  NTIS Order Number:  PB2001-104726

  Case Study Feldman, Mary P., M. R. Kelley, J. Schaff, and G. Farkas,Reinforcing Interactions Between the Advanced Technology Program and State Technology Programs: Volume 2 Case Studies of State and Federal Support to High-Tech Start-up Companies, NISTIR 6523, Gaithersburg, MD, December 2000.
TO ORDER:  NTIS Order Number:  PB2000-105549

Economic Study

Austin, David and Molly Macualey, Estimating Future Consumer Benefits from ATP-Funded Innovation: The Case of Digital Data Storage, NIST GCR 00-790, Gaithersburg, MD, April 2000.
TO ORDER:  NTIS Order Number:  PB2000-104942
  Survey Powell, Jeanne and Karen Lellock, Development, Commercialization, and Diffusion of Enabling Technologies: Progress Report, NISTIR 6491, Gaithersburg, MD, April 2000.
TO ORDER:  NTIS Order Number:  PB2000-102107
  Policy Analysis

Branscomb, Lewis M., Kenneth P. Morse and Michael J. Roberts, Managing Technical Risk, Understanding Private Sector Decision Making on Early Stage Technology-based Projects, NIST GCR 00-787, Gaithersburg, MD, April 2000.
TO ORDER:  NTIS Order Number:  PB2000-104943

  Case Study Schachtel, Marsha R.B. and Mary Feldman, Reinforcing Interactions Between the Advanced Technology Program and State Technology Programs: Volume 1: A Guide to State Business Assistance Programs for New Technology Creation and Commercialization, NIST GCR 00-788, April 2000.
TO ORDER:  NTIS Order Number:  PB2000-104944
  Case Study Lide, Bettijoyce and Richard Spivack, Advanced Technology Program Information Infrastructure for Healthcare Focused Program: A Brief History, NISTIR 6477, Gaithersburg, MD, February 2000.
TO ORDER:  NTIS Order Number:  PB2000-104804
  Economic Study Lerner, Paul and Josh Gompers, Capital Formation and Investment in Venture Markets: Implications for the Advanced Technology Program, NIST GCR99-784, Gaithersburg, MD, December 1999.
TO ORDER:  NTIS Order Number:  PB2000-102116
  Case Study Ehlen, Mark, Economic Impacts of Flow-Control Machining Technology: Early Applications in the Automobile Industry, NISTIR 6373, Gaithersburg, MD, October 1999.
  Survey Powell, Jeanne, Business Planning and Progress of Small Business Firms Engaged in Technology Development Through the Advanced Technology Program, NISTIR 6375, Gaithersburg, MD, October 1999.
TO ORDER:  NTIS Order Number:  PB99-160996
  Economic Study Etzkowitz, Henry and Richard Spivack, Information Infrastructure for Healthcare: An Evaluation of Government-Industry Technology Development Initiative, NISTIR 6404, Gaithersburg, MD, October 1999.
TO ORDER:  NTIS Order Number:  PB2000-101015
  Economic Study

Ruegg, Rosalie, Advanced Technology Program’s Approach to Technology Diffusion. Paper presented at Advanced Research Workshop “Industry as a Stimulator of Technology Transfer.” NISTIR 6385, September 1999.
TO ORDER:  NTIS Order Number:  PB99-168239

  Status Report Long, William F., Performance of Completed Projects: Status Reports Number 1, Gaithersburg, MD, March 1999.
TO ORDER:  NTIS Order Number:   PB99-128175
  Guide Servo, Jenny C. Advanced Technology Program’s Commercialization and Business Planning Guide in the Post-Award Period, NIST GCR 99-779, Dawnbreaker Press, September 1998.
TO ORDER:  NTIS Order Number:   PB2000-104376
  Case Study

Powell, Jeanne, Small-Firm Experience in the Advanced Technology Program, ATP/NIST, June 1998.
TO ORDER:  NTIS Order Number:   PB2007-105381

  Economic Study

The Journal of Technology Transfer. “Symposium on Evaluating a Public Private Partnership: The Advanced Technology Program." Volume 23, No. 2, Summer 1998 [ISSN 0892-9912] devoted to ATP’s program evaluation.


  Economic Study Martin, Sheila A., Daniel L. Winfield, Anne E. Kenyon, John R. Farris Mohan V. Bala, and Tayler H. Bingham, “A Framework for Estimating the National Economic Benefits of ATP Funding of Medical Technologies,” Research Triangle Insitute, Center for Economic Research Raleigh, NC, GCR 97-797, April 1998.
TO ORDER:  NTIS Order Number:   PB98-150162

Powell, Jeanne, Development, Commercialization, and the Diffusion of Enabling Technologies: Progress Report for Projects Funded 1993-1995, NISTIR 6098, Gaithersburg, MD, December 1997.
TO ORDER:  NTIS Order Number:  PB98-124183

  Economic Study

Ruegg, Rosalie, The Advanced Technology Program’s Evaluation Plan and Progress, November 1997.

  Case Study

Link, Albert N., ATP Early Stage Impacts of the Printed Wiring Board, Gaithersburg, MD, November 1997.

  Survey Laidlaw, Frances J., Acceleration of Technology Development by the Advanced Technology Program: The Experience of 28 Projects Funded in 1991. NISTIR 6047, Gaithersburg, MD, October 1997.
TO ORDER:  NTIS Order Number:  PB97-210777
  Case Study

CONSAD Research Corporation, Advanced Technology Program Case Study: The Development of Advanced Technologies and Systems for Controlling Dimensional Variation in Automobile Manufacturing, NIST GCR97-709, Gaithersburg, MD, March 1997.
TO ORDER:  NTIS Order Number:  PB97-184071

  Case Study Martin, Sheila A. and Tayler H. Bingham, "Estimating Social and Private Returns from Innovations Based on the Advanced Technology Program: Cases and Data Sources," Center for Economics Research, Research Triangle Institute, Research Triangle Park, NC, RTI Project Number 6715-1 WP, March 1997.
  Policy Analysis Spender, J.C., “Publicly Supported Non-Defense R&D: The USA’s Advanced Technology Program,” Science and Public Policy, February 1997, pp. 45-52.
  Economic Study Jaffe, Adam B. Economic Analysis of Research Spillovers: Implications for the Advanced Technology Program, NIST GCR 97-708, Gaithersburg, MD, December 1996.
TO ORDER:  NTIS Order Number:  PB2007-105379
  Guide Ruegg, Rosalie, Guidelines for Proposing Economic Evaluation Studies, NISTIR-6896, Gaithersburg, MD, November 1996.

Powell, Jeanne, The ATP’s Business Reporting System: A Tool for Economic Evaluation, Proceedings, Conference on Comparative Analysis of Enterprise Data Helsinki, Finland, June 17-19, 1996.

  Annual Report Chang, Connie, The Advanced Technology Program: A Progress Report on the Impacts of an Industry-Government Technology Partnership, NIST-ATP-96-2, Gaithersburg, MD, April 1996.

Silber and Associates, Survey of Advanced Technology Program 1990-1992 Awardees: Company Opinion About the ATP and its Early Effects, Gaithersburg, MD, January 1996.
TO ORDER:  NTIS Order Number:  PB2007-105383

  Economic Study Mansfield, Edwin, Estimating Social and Private Returns from Innovations Based on the Advanced Technology Program: Problems and Opportunities, GCR 99-780, Gaithersburg, MD, January 1996..

Solomon Associates, Advanced Technology Program: An Assessment of Short-Term Impacts—First Competition Participants, Gaithersburg, MD, February 1993.

Date created: July 1996
Last updated: July 31, 2008

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