Security Levels


  National Threat Level: Elevated

ESO List

The Institute maintains a list of ESOs which is available in CG Central. Please verify the list to ensure your information is correct. The list is located under Coast Guard Institute within the Learning Tab of CG Central. The list is called "List of current ESOs." If information on the ESO list is not correct, please send email to with corrected information.

To get on the ESO List, you must request a TAACTS account. Once added to the list, you will also be added to the email list to receive ESO Bulletins from the Institute.

To request a TACCTS account, submit an ESO designation letter to the NRT Department. A template for the designation letter is available. This can be faxed to (405) 954-3684 or emailed as an attachment to As soon as you are setup with TACCTS access, you will receive an email with the website address and a temporary login and password.

Last Modified 9/8/2008