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Kalman B. Migler , Ph.D.



photograph of Kalman Migler

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Group Leader

Processing Characterization
(301) 975-4876
(301) 975-4924

Research Interests

My research seeks to advance our understanding of polymeric materials under flow through the use and development of visualization techniques.

This work is conducted in the

Professional Background

2000- Group Leader,
Processing Characterization, Polymers Division

1994 - 2000 Staff Member, Polymer Blends and Processing, Polymers Division National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, MD

1993 Post Doctoral Associate, with Dr. David J. Pine , Exxon Research and Engineering Co., Corporate Research, Annandale, NJ

1992 Post Doctoral Associate, with Profs. L. Leger and P.G. de Gennes, Laboratoire de Physique de la Matière Condensée at the Collège de France

1992 Ph. D. in Physics with Professor Robert B. Meyer, Brandeis University.

1985 -1986 Research Associate, Physics Department, University of Pennsylvania

1984 B.A. in Physics, University of Pennsylvania


William P. Slichter Award,1997 National Institute of Standards and Technology

Selected Publications

"Droplet-String Deformation and Stability during Micro-Confined Shear Flow, "J. A. Pathak and K. B. Migler,In Review, Langmuir, 2003

“Flow Induced Coating of Fluoropolymer Additives: Development of Frustrated Total Internal Reflection Imaging” S. B. Kharchenko, P. M. McGuiggan and K. B. Migler, In review, Journal of Rheology, 2003.

“The Effect of Confinement on the Capillary Instability of a Polymer Thread: An Experimental and Numerical Study” Y. Son, N. S. Martys, J. Hagedorn, and K. B. Migler, In Press, Macromolecules, 2003.

Layered Droplet Microstructures in Sheared Emulsions: Finite-Size Effects, J. A. Pathak, M.C. Davis, S. D. Hudson, and K. B. Migler, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 2002.

Cavitation Of Polyethylene During Extrusion Processing Instabilities,Y. Son and K. B. Migler, Journal of Polymer Science: Physics Edition, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 2002.

"Extensional deformation, cohesive failure, and boundary conditions during sharkskin melt fracture," K.B. Migler, Y. Son, F. Qiao, K. Flynn, Journal of Rheology, 2002, Vol. 46, 383 Download

“Interfacial Tension Measurement Between Immiscible Polymers: Improved Deformed Drop Retraction Method” Y. Son, and K.B. Migler, 43, 3001-3006 (2002). Download

"String Formation in Sheared Polymer Blends: Coalescence, Breakup, and Finite Size Effects, "K. B. Migler, Physical Review Letters, 2001, 86, P. 1023-1027. Download

"Visualizing the elimination of sharkskin through fluoropolymer additives: Coating and polymer-polymer slippage, "K. B. Migler, C. Lavallée, M. P. Dillon, S. S. Woods, C. L. Gettinger, Journal of Rheology, 2001, 45, 565-581. Download

"Droplet Vorticity Alignment in Model Polymer Blends, "K. B. Migler, Journal of Rheology, 2000, 44, 277-290. Download

"Vorticity elongation in polymeric emulsions, "E. K. Hobbie, K. B. Migler, Physical Review Letters, 1999, 82, 5393-5396. Download

"In Line study of droplet deformation in polymer blends in channel flow, "K. B. Migler, E. K. Hobbie, F. Qiao, Polymer Engineering and Science, 1999, 39, 2282-2291. Download

"Fluorescence based measurement of temperature profiles during polymer processing, "K. B. Migler, A. J. Bur, Polymer Engineering and Science, 1997, 38, 213-221. Download

"Static and kinetic study of a pressure induced order-disorder transition: Birefringence and neutron scattering, "K. B. Migler, C. C. Han, Macromolecules, 1998, 31, 360-365. Download

"Effect of pressure on polymer blend miscibility: A temperature- pressure superposition, "M. Rabeony, D. J. Lohse, R. T. Garner, S. J. Han, W. W. Graessley, K. B. Migler, Macromolecules, 1998, 31, 6511-6514. Download

"Measuring temperature profiles during polymer processing, "K. B. Migler, A. J. Bur, Plastics Engineering, 1998, 53, 27-&. Download

"Light-scattering photometer with optical microscope for the in- line study of polymer extrusion, "S. Li, K. B. Migler, E. K. Hobbie, H. Kramer, C. C. Han, E. J. Amis, Journal of Polymer Science Part B-Polymer Physics, 1997, 35, 2935-2943. Download

"Structure evolution of a polymer solution at high shear rates, "K. Migler, C. H. Liu, D. J. Pine, Macromolecules, 1996, 29, 1422-1432. Download

"Spirals in Liquid-Crystals in a Rotating Magnetic-Field, "K. B. Migler, R. B. Meyer, Physica D, 1994, 71, 412-420. Check out the cool video from this work! Cool Spirals Video! (~12MB)

"Slip Transition of a Polymer Melt Under Shear-Stress, "K. B. Migler, H. Hervet, L. Leger, Physical Review Letters, 1993, 70, 287-290. Download

"Fluid-Flow-Induced Pattern-Formation in Liquid-Crystals in a Rotating Magnetic-Field, "K. B. Migler, R. B. Meyer, Physical Review E, 1993, 48, 1218-1227. Download

"Solitons and Pattern-Formation in Liquid-Crystals in a Rotating Magnetic-Field, "K. B. Migler, R. B. Meyer, Physical Review Letters, 1991, 66, 1485-1488. Download

Mailing Address

Dr. Kalman B. Migler, Polymers Division, NIST, Building 224, Room B210, 100 Bureau Drive, Stop 8542, Gaithersburg, MD 20899-8542, USA

NIST Materials Science & Engineering Laboratory - Polymers Division