Southwestern Power Administration
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Open Access Tariff

Pursuant to an agreement between Southwestern and Southwest Power Pool, Inc. (SPP) which became effective April 1, 2005, SPP administers Southwestern’s Tariff for most new transactions using Southwestern’s transmission system. All new requests for scheduled transmission service using Southwestern's transmission facilities should be made through SPP.


In Order No. 888, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) established a safe harbor procedure for the filing of reciprocity transmission tariffs by non-jurisdictional utilities. Under this procedure, a non-jurisdictional utility may voluntarily submit to FERC a transmission tariff and request for declatory order that the tariff meets FERC’s comparability (non-discrimination) standards. A non-jurisdictional utility that files a reciprocity tariff is also required to comply with Order No. 889, which contains rules governing OASIS and prescribing standards of conduct.

On December 31, 1997, Southwestern filed its Open Access Transmission Service Tariff (Tariff) with FERC under a non-jurisdictional docket. On May 13, 1998, FERC approved Southwestern's Tariff under Docket No. NJ 98-2. On February 12, 1999, FERC accepted Southwestern’s Standards of Conduct, including a waiver of the separation of functions requirement and obligation to post organizational charts and job descriptions on OASIS. Southwestern has since filed a revised Tariff with FERC under Docket Nos. NJ06-4, NJ07-9, and NJ08-3. Southwestern will continue to file revisions to its tariff as applicable to Southwestern consistent with FERC orders and Federal statute.


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