Newsletter Cover

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A Look Inside

Comptroller Dugan on Minority-Owned Banks

OCC Affirms Support for Minority-Owned Banks

OCC List of Minority- and Women-Owned Banks

Minority Bank Deposit Program

MinBank Foundation Scholarships

National Bankers Association – The NBA Journey

NBA Promotes Business Partnerships

Canyon National Bank

OCC Resources on Native American Banking

Commonwealth National Bank

United Americas Bank, N.A.

Omni Bank, N.A.

Supervising Minority- Owned Banks: A Two-Way Street

Compliance Corner: Encouraging Investments in Minority-Owned Banks

How Majority and Minority-Owned Institutions Can Work Together

Benefits of CDFI Certification

List of Minority- Owned CDFI Banks

OCC's News from the Districts

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OCC's Community Affairs Department

(202) 874-5556


Articles by non-OCC authors represent their own views and are not necessarily the views of the OCC.

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NBA’s Corporate Advisory Group Promotes Business Relationships with Fortune 500 Firms

The NBA has partnered successfully with Treasury representatives of Fortune 500 corporations to promote minority banking programs within their firms. Currently, more than 200 of the Fortune 500 companies conduct business with NBA member banks. These relationships have generated more than $630 million in lines of credit and $10.3 billion in non-credit services over the years. Services offered by NBA member banks to these corporations include:

  • Vendor Financing
  • Cash Management Services
  • Corporate Trust Accounts
  • Sweep Accounts
  • Certificates of Deposit
  • Lines of Credit
  • Business Credit Cards
  • Lock Boxes
  • Commercial Checking
  • Commercial Money Market
  • Commercial Loans
  • Payroll

The NBA’s success in partnering with corporate America spurred the creation of a Corporate Advisory Group (CAG) and smaller leadership team, the Corporate Advisory Board (CAB). Members of CAG and CAB promote doing business with minority- and women-owned banks by conducting briefings with other corporations interested in establishing  relationships with MWOBs.