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Open Printable Lesson Plan

  Daguerrotype of Andrew Jackson late in life.
Courtesy of American Memory at the Library of Congress.


Subject Areas
History and Social Studies
   U.S. History - Civics and U.S. Government
   U.S. History - Colonial America and the New Nation
Time Required
 Lesson One: Expansion of the Voting Base Before and After 1828: One class period or less.
Lesson Two: Changes in Voting Participation: One class period.
Lesson Three: Territorial Expansion and the Shift of Power: Two class periods.
Lesson Four: Issues in the Election of 1828 (and Beyond): Two class periods.
 Using primary sources
Working collaboratively
Comparing and contrasting
Graphic representation of information
Critical thinking
Interpreting archival documents
Curriculum Unit
The 1828 Campaign of Andrew Jackson and the Growth of Party Politics
Additional Data
 Date Created: 12/29/03
Additional Student/Teacher Resources
 Blackline PDF Master
"From The Frontier in American History by Frederick Jackson Turner" (PDF file)
"Chart for Analyzing 1828 Campaign Materials" (PDF file)
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The 1828 Campaign of Andrew Jackson: Issues in the Election of 1828 (and Beyond)

Lesson Four of the Curriculum Unit: The 1828 Campaign of Andrew Jackson and the Growth of Party Politics

Guiding Questions

  • How did changes in the electorate affect the election of 1828?
  • What was the source of Andrew Jackson's popularity?
  • What was the importance of Andrew Jackson's popularity?
  • How were party politics reflected in the campaign of 1828?
  • What were the positions of the fledgling Democratic Party and its opposition?

Learning Objectives

After completing this lesson, students will be able to:
  • Make a connection between changes in voting participation and the election of 1828.
  • Describe regional factors evidenced by the voting results in the election of 1828.
  • Analyze campaign materials from 1828 to explain the issues on which they touch and/or the style and tone of the campaign.
1. Share with students background information on the campaigns of 1828 from the class textbook or other sources, such as these EDSITEment resources:

Review and list the important issues of the campaigns.

2. The following optional activity uses brief passages from historian Frederick Jackson Turner as a way of entering into a discussion of Jackson's image and popularity. Communicating the heroic, common-man image of Andrew Jackson was central to the campaign of 1828. On one hand, that image was created—at least in part—by the candidate's astute handlers. But why did that image resonate so strongly with the American people at that particular time? Since Frederick Jackson Turner published his text The Frontier in American History in 1893, historians have wondered about the effect of the frontier on American politics and the American psyche, and the effect of the frontier persona on the election of 1828. Though historians coming after Turner have made "significant correctives of this thesis, it has had an exceptional impact upon the study of the roles of environment and geographical sections in U.S. history" (Morris and Morris, Encyclopedia of American History, New York: Harper Collins, 1996, 863).

What factors made Andrew Jackson widely popular? Was he the very model of a new American identity that was emerging, or did he inspire it?

If desired, review biographical information about Jackson from the class text or a source such as Andrew Jackson: Biography on the EDSITEment-reviewed website The American President. Then, if desired, read the brief excerpts about Jackson in the handout "From The Frontier in American History by Frederick Jackson Turner" on page 6 of the PDF file (see Preparing to Teach This Curriculum Unit for download instructions).

Turner calls Jackson "the very personification" of "frontier democracy."

  • What are the most important characteristics of "frontier democracy"?
  • What elements of frontier democracy does Jackson personify? In what ways?
  • What other aspects of Jackson's reality and/or image may have had special appeal?
  • Was Jackson's appeal as the "common man" related to his image as a man of the frontier? In what ways?
  • Jackson also appealed to people as a self-made man, planter, and military man. In what way, if any, does each of these relate to the frontier?
  • Are any of the following images cultivated by politicians today? (NOTE: Avoid discussion of specific politicians.)
    • Believer in the Individual over Institutions
    • Common Man
    • Self-made Man
    • Military Man
  • Based on students' present knowledge of Andrew Jackson, what aspect(s) of the Jackson persona would they say had the most appeal in 1828? As the students learn more about the campaign and election of 1828 and more about Jackson, they should continue to consider what made Jackson so popular.
3. While Jackson and Adams did not make campaign appearances, Jackson did have professional handlers from a variety of states who mapped out strategy, organized campaign rallies, and produced campaign materials.

Discuss the various kinds of political advertisements we see today, such as:

  • Image ads that solely try to establish an image with very little content.
  • Ads that emphasize the candidate's qualifications.
  • Ads that portray the candidate as the outsider who will bring something new to the office. Such ads often depict the candidate as anti-corruption.
  • Attack ads.
  • Issues-based ads.
The purpose of discussing contemporary campaigns is to make the 1828 campaign more understandable and to provide a vocabulary students can use in their analysis. As you lead the discussion, avoid discussion of specific issues in current campaigns.

Distribute the "Chart for Analyzing 1828 Campaign Materials" on page 7 of the PDF file (see Preparing to Teach This Curriculum Unit for download instructions) and/or the Written Document Analysis Worksheet on the EDSITEment resource Digital Classroom to guide the following discussion. Model the process of document analysis for the class by working together on the document Jackson triumphant in the great city of Philadelphia on the EDSITEment-reviewed website American Memory. Help students understand how negative accusations can reflect the issues or image that Jackson was attempting to communicate (for example, an accusation of profiting from land deals would contradict the image of Jackson as a common man). Look for examples of issues reflecting regional differences, such as the tariff. Use specific information from the document to support the conclusion that it fits one or more of the categories on the chart.

Students will now work in small groups to analyze campaign materials and locate statements that reflect the issues and tone of the 1828 campaigns. Each group should receive at least one piece of pro- and one piece of anti-Jackson material from the 13 documents listed below. Each link from American Memory leads to a digitized image as well as access to bibliographic information, larger images, and a full-text transcription. Many of the documents listed are image files. Documents with more text are followed by asterisks. The political cartoons, which are considered campaign materials for the purpose of this exercise, are from American Political Prints 1766-1876 on the EDSITEment-reviewed website Harp Week. Each of the prints is accompanied by an explanation. If desired, have student groups complete an initial analysis of their document(s) using one of the Document Analysis Worksheets, including the Written Document Analysis Worksheet and the Cartoon Analysis Worksheet, on the EDSITEment resource Digital Classroom.

Web Links:
It has been said that presidential campaigning in 1828 was almost completely based on image-making.
  • Do students agree?
  • What indications are there that issues were also important?
  • Which issues?


Students should be able to respond effectively to the following questions:
  • What were the important issues in the campaign of 1828?
  • How were these issues reflected in the campaign materials?
  • How would students characterize the tone of 1828 campaign materials?
  • What image did Andrew Jackson and his campaign create? Was the attempt at image-making effective?
In a whole-class setting, small groups, or individually, have students analyze an archival document such as To the freemen of Maryland. Read, pause, and reflect. facts! Stubborn facts! ... [Signed] Anthony Wayne. [blank] [1828] Full Text Version on the EDSITEment-reviewed website American Memory. How does it reflect the issues and images of the 1828 presidential campaign?

Extending the Lesson

EDSITEment offers the following complementary lessons on the campaign of 1840 that you may want to use with your class: "William Henry Harrison and Tyler, Too: The Campaign of 1840".

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