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  William Henry Harrison ran against Van Buren in 1840 as a Whig.
Courtesy of American Memory at the Library of Congress


Subject Areas
History and Social Studies
   U.S. History - Civics and U.S. Government
Time Required
 Lesson One: The Campaign of 1840: The Whigs, the Democrats, and the Issues: One class period or less for the basic lesson. Time will vary for optional lessons.
Lesson Two: The Campaign of 1840: The Candidates: One class period or less for the basic lesson. Time will vary for optional lessons.
Lesson Three: The Campaign of 1840: One or two class periods for the basic lesson.
 Comparing and contrasting
Critical thinking
Gathering information
Interpreting archival documents
Using primary sources
Working collaboratively
Curriculum Unit
The Campaign of 1840: William Henry Harrison and Tyler, Too
Additional Data
 Date Created: 02/02/04
Additional Student/Teacher Resources
 Democrats and Whigs, Side by Side (PDF file.)
Democratic Platform of 1840 (PDF file)
Proceedings of Whig Convention (PDF file)
Harrison Speech (PDF file)

Van Buren and Harrison Compared (Interactive assessment tool)

Was Harrison Like Jackson? (Interactive assessment tool)
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The Campaign of 1840: The Whigs, the Democrats, and the Issues

Lesson One of the Curriculum Unit: The Campaign of 1840: William Henry Harrison and Tyler, Too

Guiding Questions

  • What issues were important to the campaign of 1840?
  • What positions on the issues did the Democrats adopt?
  • What positions on the issues did the Whigs adopt?

Learning Objectives

After completing this lesson, students will be able to:
  • Discuss the background of the Democrats and Whigs.
  • Identify some basic differences on the issues between the Democrats and Whigs.


Many accounts portray the campaign of 1840 as almost exclusively image-based. This lesson offers students the opportunity to reflect on the nature of the campaign. Though intended for the teacher, all or part of the following background information may be useful for some students.
In 1836, with Andrew Jackson's endorsement, Van Buren was elected the country's eighth President. In his inaugural address he promised a continuation of the good times of the Jackson presidency. But less than two weeks into his administration, a major financial crisis erupted. As panic spread across the country, local banks refused to pay off their depositors. "The situation of the . . . banks . . . is a matter [for] the gravest consideration," Van Buren wrote. "You cannot form an adequate idea of the dreadful state of the money market."

Critics charged that it was Andrew Jackson's destruction of the U.S. Bank that had led to the crash, and that a new national bank was now needed to reverse it. Determined not to depart from his predecessor's key commitment, Van Buren presented a counterproposal -- the establishment of an independent Treasury. In a striking act of presidential leadership, he united his critics around a new course of action.

Van Buren's idea for an independent Treasury would be the central accomplishment of his presidency, preparing the way for what would become the backbone of the U.S. financial system for the next seventy years. In the short-run, however, Van Buren prolonged the recession and deepened it into a significant depression.

… As the election of 1840 approached, the economy took another sudden plunge downward.

—From Martin Van Buren, "The Little Magician" 1837-1841 on the EDSITEment resource The American President (Philip Kunhardt Jr., et. al., The American President. New York: Riverhead Books, 1999. 90-95.)
The Democrats felt, despite hard times, that the issues were on their side. They published a fairly specific platform, the first document of its kind from a major national party.
The Democrats re-nominated Van Buren and adopted a platform denouncing internal improvements at national expense, a protective tariff, a national bank, and any interference by Congress with slavery. The campaign, however, was not fought on these issues…

—From Blyndon G. Van Deusen ("The Whig Party," History of U.S. Political Parties, Volume 1. Arthur M. Schlesinger, Jr., Ed. 4 vols. New York: Chelsea House Publishers, 1973. 343.)
But the Whigs controlled the direction of the campaign. According to Van Deusen (343-344): "Hard times and falling prices for wheat and cotton played a large part in the contest, but the main issue presented to the people was a manufactured one. …Portraying their candidate (the WHIG candidate, Harrison) as an honest high-principled farmer who lived in a log cabin with the latch string always out, a coon skin nailed to the door and a barrel of cider (sweet cider in prohibition areas) for the refreshment of visitors… they contrasted this democratic simplicity with the… luxury that surrounded 'Sweet Sandy Whiskers' Van Buren at the While House."

The Whigs did not publish a platform—not surprisingly, as the practice was not yet an obligatory part of the nominating process. In fact, the Democratic platform was the first of its kind from a major party. But Van Deusen ascribes a different reason to the lack of a platform (343): "With an eye to the… need for stressing different aims in different sections of the country, the convention agreed that it would be better not to have a platform and none was drafted."

Whatever the reason, no Whig position statement came out of the nominating convention. Whether or not issues were important to the campaign is a question on which students can reflect as they analyze campaign documents. Whether largely based on issues or image, the campaign saw both parties using traditional organizing on a national scale, combined—especially in the case of the Whigs—with a style of campaigning that was new or on a much grander scale.

The Democrats undertook a campaign in what had become a traditional style. They depended on organization, full use of their patronage platoons and a conventional propaganda barrage. They deplored the "demagoguery" of the Whigs and tried to deal with issues, although they also heaped abuse on Harrison. The total effect was rather staid and prosaic.

The Whigs, on the other hand, elaborated their new-style campaign and made it as diverting as it was professional. They used organization to draw huge crowds… Whig propaganda included a panoply of visual devices like Harrison "Liberty Poles" as well as mottoes, songs, jokes, along with "efficient orators." …It was all drama and popular commotion mixed with slander and smears designed to destroy "Martin Van Ruin." It was a combination of merchandizing and militia styles, with all the stops pulled out.

—From William Nisbet Chambers ("Election of 1840," History of American Presidential Elections, Volume 1. Arthur M. Schlesinger, Jr., Ed. 5 vols. New York: Chelsea House Publishers, 1971. 669-670.)

William Henry Harrison spoke in public-unprecedented for a candidate for president. On at least one occasion, he addressed the accusation that he (and, by implication, his party) took no stand on the issues. He vehemently denied this in a speech in Dayton, Ohio, on September 10, 1840. In this lesson, students can also look at an annotated version of an excerpt from the speech to evaluate Harrison's defense.

Gathering Information from Secondary Accounts

Share with the class the following brief accounts from the Abraham Lincoln Historical Digitization Project, a link from the EDSITEment-reviewed website American Studies at the University of Virginia:
  • The Whig Party
  • The Democratic Party
If desired, use the chart "Democrats and Whigs, Side by Side," (see Preparing to Teach This Curriculum Unit for download instructions), to compare the two parties' histories and positions on the issues. There is also an interactive version students can use. The issues listed on the chart are, as follows:

American System (federally financed internal improvements)

  1. Federal Land Policy
  2. Indian Affairs
  3. National Bank
  4. Paper Money
  5. Slavery
  6. Tariffs
  7. Territorial Expansion
If students are unfamiliar with any of these, review them as necessary using the class text or another source.

Additional information about the campaign issues of 1840 can be gleaned from the following accounts, found on the EDSITEment resource The American President:

Time permitting, allow for discussion of the differences between the two sets of secondary accounts.

Optional Activities with Primary Sources

  • Party Platforms
    Working in a whole-group setting or in small groups, students can refine and add to their knowledge of the positions of the parties and the information on the chart by reviewing the handouts "Democratic Platform of 1840" and "Proceedings of the Whig State Convention" (see Preparing to Teach This Curriculum Unit for download instructions).
  • Campaign Document Analysis: Whole Group
    The following activity can be done as a standalone or it can precede the next activity. As such, analyzing a document in the whole-class setting serves to model the skills students will need should they work independently. The class can review an archival document to reflect on the nature of the 1840 campaign. How important were issues? How important were images? As a class, analyze the archival document The Madisonian—Prospectus, 1840 on the EDSITEment-reviewed website American Memory. The Madisonian was a pro-Whig newspaper/newsletter published in Washington, D.C., and mailed to subscribers. According to The Madisonian, what issues make Harrison the best choice for president? What Democratic positions were cited to criticize Van Buren? What matters of image did The Madisonian use to praise William Henry Harrison and criticize Martin Van Buren? Was The Madisonian more about image or issue?

    For this activity and those that follow, consider using the following document analysis worksheets provided by the EDSITEment resource Digital Classroom:

Ask each group to select one particularly compelling document of those they reviewed and share it with the class. What strategies are used in the document to communicate a message? In what way, if at all, does the document communicate information about issues? Which issues are referred to in the document? In what way, if at all, does the document communicate an image? What image of the candidate do the pro-documents attempt to communicate? What image of the candidate do the anti-documents attempt to communicate? Which documents do students believe would have been particularly effective? Particularly ineffective?


Students who have read the secondary accounts of the rival parties should be able to respond effectively to the following short essay questions, appropriate for a test:
  • How did the Democrats and Whigs originate?
  • Which individuals were associated with each party?
  • What issues separated the two parties? In what ways? Present students with the cartoon The North Bend Farmer and His Visitors (Larger Image) on the EDSITEment-reviewed website Harp Week. Discuss as a class or ask students to answer the following questions in writing, working individually or in small groups:
  • What strategies are used in the cartoon to communicate a message?
  • Which issues are referred to in the document?
  • What images of the candidates does the cartoon communicate?

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