Ten Reasons Baltimore Ravens Fans Are the Worst

The 2014 Miami Dolphins season is well underway! And while lots of other sites will be breaking down each game and listing reasons the Dolphins will or won't win while analyzing players, coaches, and match-ups against their respective opponent week to week, we won't.

Not us. Not here. Instead, we're focusing on why every week's opponent has the worst fan base in all of the NFL.

This week, the 7-5 Dolphins are set to play the Baltimore Ravens at SunLife Stadium.

Here are ten reasons their fans are the worst:

See also: Nine Reasons New York Jets Fans Are the Worst

10. Because They Vehemently Defend Ray Rice

Ray Rice is the face of the NFL's ongoing appalling problem with domestic violence. He was caught on video punching his fiancee (now wife) and then dragging her on the ground, like a caveman. In their desperate attempt to save face and distance themselves from the horribleness, the NFL suspended Rice, and the Ravens cut him from the team. Yet there are countless Ravens fans -- many of them women -- who still defend Rice.

"We shouldn't be involved in their personal life," one lady said.

"I absolutely 100 percent support him," another said. "It had nothing to do with his job. I think he's an awesome guy, I think he's an upstanding guy, and I think he's an awesome football player."

When the Ravens released Rice, fans planted signs at the team facility that read things like, "Stop!!! Casting stones we all make mistakes!"

This is, of course, the same fan base that defended Ray Lewis' being connected to a murder, so it shouldn't be a shock. But while the Lewis case was dismissed against him after he agreed to rat out his friends and remains ambiguous, there's no doubting what Rice did. He was caught on video. AND he admitted it.

But Ravens fans will hold on to defending him with a gargantuan, tight-fisted grip.


9. Because They Wear Purple Camo Pants
This is a thing Ravens fan consciously decide to do on Sundays. Also probably on casual Fridays at their job. And when they're mowing the lawn. Basically, anytime they don't have to wear regular pants. Or jorts.

David Robert Crews via Flickr cc
8. Because They Can't Stop Whining About a Perceived Lack of Respect
The Ravens have won two Super Bowls in their brief existence and usually get good grades for their sound drafting and solid coaching from the media and the football-watching community at large. Yet Ravens fans won't shut their stupid faceholes over how they don't get enough respect. "Why does everyone talk about the Patriots or Seahawks or Colts BUT NEVER US WAHHHH?" they'll whine.

Basically because your team is routinely one of the least exciting teams in the league, you purple-camo-pant-wearing mongoloids. The Patriots are exciting! They score touchdowns a lot! Your team is known for its 16-13 scores every single week. No one outside of your urban postapocalyptic decaying city ever says "WHOA HOT DAMN I CAN'T WAIT TO WATCH THE RAVENS PLAY THIS SUNDAY!" Know why? Because your team is an abomination to the game of football. Shitloads of field goals and the occasional catch from a slow unknown tight end is not what makes for exciting football.

Two Super Bowls, man. Be happy with that and stop worrying about what others think about you, you insecure eggplant-looking dipshits.


My Voice Nation Help

You talk about purple camo pants, but coming from a guy who roots for a team called the dolphins and have aqua pants, you don't have a ton of room to talk.

How many other wife beaters are there in the league?  Did you know James Harrison beat his wife back in 08.  Ray is the worst because you saw it, but there are tons of players who have been forgiven by the public for their mistakes.  Also, Ray was one of the most active in community and fundraising activities, and yet one mess up makes you an evil person for the rest of your life.  You're extremely ignorant.

When you talk about Baltimore being a decaying city,  have you actually been there, or did you just watch the Wire and pretend to know what your talking about?  I'd rather live in a city with real people that doesn't look as pretty than a town with fake ass rich people with their head up their ass.

Your article is click bate nonsense and you root for a team called the dolphins.  The dolphins. And your TEAM wears aqua pants, not the fans, the team. STFU

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